Blogger Challenge: I Remember The Rave That Never Happened

It’s tricky to remember something that everyone in attendance will deny it taking place, but as they say “if there’s no pictures, it didn’t happen”. I fortunately do have pictures! This certainly was a challlenge though due to the sheer number of photos I’d taken. But I’d say that’s the sign of a good not-a-party-at-all, if you want to capture every moment.

The Fairelands Quest 2022

Every year the Faire features a Quest. This is usually part treasure hunt, part mystery, part puzzle and of course a lot of fun. (with a bit of head-scratching frustration along the way.)

This year I actually completed it, for the first time. Now I’m sure there were plenty of people that didn’t try it, so for those that didn’t; I did it a Second time so I could take pictures to show you all. I know there’s lots of pictures floating around of the treasure chamber, but there’s a lot more to the Quest than that.

The first task is to find “Cheeky” at the entrance to the Clouded Mountains.

After a quick chat it’s off to see the Bard Queen

Her task for us it to track down a number of animal residents of the Clouded Mountains that have come down into the Fairelands. There were three in each participating region of the Faire and which one would respond positively to a particular avatar was somewhat random.

[12:06:46] forest cat: "So the Bard Queen sent you?" A guarded smile crosses the forest cat's face. "Well then, perhaps I can trust you. I've heard good things about her."

[12:07:06] forest cat: "Nicely done," the forest cat says. "So now I'm going to rely on you. Please deliver this to the Clouded Mountains."
[12:07:07] The Dreaming Cat HUD: The forest cat has given you: Alembic of Zosimos
[12:07:11] forest cat: This tool I'm giving you — it has to get back to the Clouded Mountains, to our wisest alchemists. They sent some of us out to find these special tools for them, the best in all the many realms. They didn't tell us why, only that it was very important. But when I tried to get back home, there were these… I don't know… war creatures? They were huge, and cruel — they shot at me! They were all around the mountains. I couldn't get through. So I have to depend on you. You look strong enough to get past them. You'll help me, I know.
[12:16:22] gray fox: The gray fox looks at you suspiciously. "Did you say something to me?"
[12:16:31] gray fox: A smile crosses the gray fox's face. "Looks like you're my best chance to get this home. Treat it carefully!"
Bassett Town
[12:21:14] cat: "8,347…8,348…8,349... what? Oh, now you’ve made me lose count! Go bother somebody else!" The cat sighs. "1…2…3…"

Some of the animals were rather unhelpful, so there’s a Hint button on the HUD to help you find the other animals from the Clouded Montains in that region.


[12:23:24] The Dreaming Cat HUD:
1. Making a bed in a wagon bed.
2. Under the willow, checking out the horses.
3. Ahh... a cool drink on a dusty day.
[12:24:45] stoat: The stoat regards you coolly. "I might need some help but how do I know you're the right person?"

[12:25:16] stoat: The stoat sighs. "Nice to find a friend so far from home. I can't get back there, but you must, and carry this with you."
[12:25:16] The Dreaming Cat HUD: The stoat has given you: Lutum made of clay from the banks of the River of Eternity
[12:28:05] stoat: The stoat looks hopeful. "I could really use some help, if you're truly a friend."

[12:28:17] stoat: The stoat looks resolved. "Thanks for that. Now take this to the alchemists at home for me — you musn't fail."
[12:28:17] The Dreaming Cat HUD: The stoat has given you: Copper-forged Kerotakis
Carnelian Archives
[12:31:49] rabbit: "You've come all this way to help me?" The rabbit pauses. "That says a lot."
[12:31:57] rabbit: "Thank you," the rabbit says. "I think I can trust you now. They're waiting for this tool at home, take it and good luck."
[12:31:57] The Dreaming Cat HUD: The rabbit has given you: Bronze-bound Tribikos

[12:32:02] rabbit: I'm going to trust you to carry this tool back to the Clouded Mountains — they say it's vital for something or other. I tried to get home with it but there were barricades everywhere, and very unpleasant outlanders waving big weapons around. Oh, it's some kerfuffle or other, no doubt, but it shouldn't affect us folk in the mountains. Surely the Dreaming Cat will prevent any serious harm. He's always looking out for us — kept us safe for years now, and will for years to come, I'd bet my left foot. But for now, you're an outlander, you'll be able to get through. When you get to the mountains, just tell them Bengen sent you.
Chrysalis Gardens
12:40:35] red panda: "You've come all this way to help me?" The red panda pauses. "That says a lot."
[12:40:40] red panda: Do you have anything else to offer?

[12:40:43] red panda: Sorry, that’s not my sort of thing.
[12:40:46] red panda: The red panda's expression changes. "Maybe you're alright after all."
[12:40:46] The Dreaming Cat HUD: The red panda has given you: Balneum of Maria Prophetissima.
12:46:22] duck: "So the Bard Queen sent you?" A guarded smile crosses the duck's face. "Well then, perhaps I can trust you. I've heard good things about her."

[12:46:33] duck: The duck looks hopeful. "I am going to trust you — lives are on the line."
[12:46:33] The Dreaming Cat HUD: The duck has given you: Firesilk Bellows

Effervescent Clefs

[12:48:29] The Dreaming Cat HUD: You feel a nibble. A small sea creature peers at you.
"The Bard Queen asked me to keep an eye out in case you ventured to this realm.
It's beautiful, but none of the mountain residents have come here."
[12:52:19] flamingo: The flamingo regards you coolly. "I might need some help but how do I know you're the right person?"

12:52:52] flamingo: A wave of longing passes over the flamingo. "That reminds me so much of home. So… you'll take this there for me?"
Hunros Mines
[12:57:35] barn owl: The barn owl looks hopeful. "I could really use some help, if you're truly a friend."

[12:57:48] barn owl: The barn owl looks resolved. "Thanks for that. Now take this to the alchemists at home for me — you musn't fail."
[12:57:49] The Dreaming Cat HUD: The barn owl has given you: Avicenna’s Tongs
Irredescent Keys

The Hint messages also helpfully told you if none of the animals were in the region.

[13:00:28] The Dreaming Cat HUD: You feel a nibble. A small sea creature peers at you.
"The Bard Queen asked me to keep an eye out in case you ventured to this realm.
It's beautiful, but none of the mountain residents have come here."
Living Echoes
[13:03:20] red panda: The red panda looks at you suspiciously. "Did you say something to me?"
[13:03:24] red panda: Thank you, that’s very kind, but I’m not really in the mood right now.

[13:03:28] red panda: The red panda looks hopeful. "I am going to trust you — lives are on the line."

[13:03:32] red panda: I tried my best to get past those cursed outlanders. I can be very quiet and sly when I want to — just look at me, you can see that, right? But I couldn't do it. I think it was because this tool was rattling around and making noise. Yes, that had to be it. Anyway, I'm going to rely on you to deliver it. Take it to the alchemists of the Clouded Mountains, it's important to them, and maybe now I can see why. Something dangerous is going on, clearly. But I'll bet those big brave outlanders haven't reckoned on getting past the Dreaming Cat. I can hardly wait to see them try!
Mythspire Ridge
[13:48:30] raccoon: The raccoon looks hopeful. "I could really use some help, if you're truly a friend."
[13:48:36] raccoon: "Thank you," the raccoon says. "I think I can trust you now. They're waiting for this tool at home, take it and good luck."
Necrim Moon
[13:25:40] flamingo: The flamingo looks at you suspiciously. "Did you say something to me?"
[13:25:44] flamingo: "Nicely done," the flamingo says. "So now I'm going to rely on you. Please deliver this to the Clouded Mountains."
[13:31:12] black rabbit: "You've come all this way to help me?" The black rabbit pauses. "That says a lot."

[13:31:21] black rabbit: A wave of longing passes over the black rabbit. "That reminds me so much of home. So… you'll take this there for me?"
[13:31:21] The Dreaming Cat HUD: The black rabbit has given you: Scales of Siddhar Tamil
[13:36:18] red panda: "So the Bard Queen sent you?" A guarded smile crosses the red panda's face. "Well then, perhaps I can trust you. I've heard good things about her."

[13:36:26] red panda: The red panda sighs. "Nice to find a friend so far from home. I can't get back there, but you must, and carry this with you."
[13:36:26] The Dreaming Cat HUD: The red panda has given you: Thaumaturgic Fuel
[13:45:20] forest cat: The forest cat regards you coolly. "I might need some help but how do I know you're the right person?"

[13:45:44] forest cat: The forest cat looks resolved. "Thanks for that. Now take this to the alchemists at home for me — you musn't fail."
[13:45:44] The Dreaming Cat HUD: The forest cat has given you: Eversweet Bees

Once you visited all the regions and collected their goodies, it was time to go see the Bard Queen again.

Our next task was to return all the tools and items that the animals had given us to three alchemists in the Clouded Mountains.

The Alchemists
  1. Ortolanus
[13:56:07] Ortolanus: Greetings, Outlander, I am Ortolanus. I sent our countryfolk to the outside realms to find the tools I need. I will take from you the Alembic of Zosimos, the Cucurbit of Wei Boyang, some Lutum made of clay from the banks of the River of Eternity, the Copper-forged Kerotakis, and the Bronze-bound Tribikos. They are the finest tools of their kind. With them, I can begin to distill the potions and substances needed to heal the damage already caused to our country and its folk.

[13:56:19] Ortolanus: By now, you understand that our land is under siege. But our situation has become even more dire. The evil forces that surround us have done what we thought could never be done. They have found a way to harm the Dreaming Cat — they have poisoned his Well of Dreams. And now the Cat is lost in his dream, it is all darkness and terror, and he can no longer find his way. His power is drained and will drain further still. If that happens, the evil ones will drown our mountains in fire. Each creature here will die, and all our work will be lost.

[13:56:31] Ortolanus: Please, it is vital that you take the remaining tools to the other alchemists who need them. In parting, this is the deepest wisdom I can provide. It is an ancient alchemical precept; you will find it applies to things you may not expect:

"One becomes two, two becomes three, and out of the third comes the one as the fourth."

Go now with all speed, Outlander, and thank you.

2. Valmiki

[14:00:13] Valmiki: Thank you, Outlander. My name is Valmiki. I see my countryfolk chose well when they selected you to bring these tools to us. I will take from you the Balneum of Maria Prophetissima, the Lead-crystal Beaker, the Flask of Agathodaemon, Ibn Umayl’s Retort, and a hive of Eversweet Bees. They are all the finest of their kind. With them, I can transmute elemental substances to try to protect and defend our land and citizens.

[14:00:25] Valmiki: My work is crucial, because our great protector, the Dreaming Cat, cannot come to our aid now. His dream is poisoned and he has lost his way. If this continues, his loss will be permanent, and a great disaster will befall us. Word has reached us that our enemy — whom we have never harmed — will set fire to our forest and destroy us all. We cannot understand such anger and hatred. We understand only that it may well be our fate if the Cat cannot be restored.

[14:00:37] Valmiki: Now, please take the remaining tools to our wisest alchemist, Theosebeia. She is waiting to see you. I will leave you with this ancient knowledge, the wisest I can provide. You may find it useful:

"Join a thing with its opposite, and you will find what is sought."

Cat's blessing on you, Outlander. Go well.

3. Theosebeia

14:04:14] Cheeky: This looks familiar — the alchemist's place is around here somewhere. I know because it's not far from some fantastic berry bushes.
[14:05:00] Theosebeia: Thank you, Outlander. I am Theosebia, the eldest of our land's alchemists. I will take from you the Crucible of Salamandria, the Firesilk Bellows, Avicenna’s Tongs, the Scales of Siddhar Tamil, and the Thaumaturgic Fuel. They are the finest tools of their kind. With them, I can begin to refine the metals and materials to protect and defend our land and citizens.

[14:05:12] Theosebeia: We in the mountains are not used to relying on outsiders for our needs — but we have come to that point now. You see, although we understand what has happened to the Dreaming Cat, we cannot help him. We are of this realm; if we try to enter the Cat's dream, we too would be lost.

[14:05:24] Theosebeia: So while it is true that we need these tools you brought, the real reason we sent our fellows to the outside world was to find an outlander with the strength and determination to enter the dream and save our land.

We sent them to find you.

And you have come. As an outlander, you can go into the Cat's dream and survive. You can purify the Well, so the Cat can regain his power. If you would be our hero and our friend, you alone can prevent our absolute ruin.

Theosebeia: To be that hero — to accept the task — go to the west of our realm and find a cluster of three huts beside a rocky beach, at the foot of a waterfall. Follow the coast to the north, and look for a stone arch. That is the entrance you seek. This potion will allow you entry.

Theosebeia: Good luck, friend, go speedily and well!

The Entrance

The Cats Dream..

This was a dark space that you had to navigate by a lot of blundering into walls and none of the usual tricks of showing transparent items gave you any clues.

The Well Room

Tempting…. but we had a puzzle or two to solve before we can proceed!

The symbols all started Red and turned Yellow when you had found and clicked each mirrored oppositte.

[14:15:56] The Well of Dreams--: Cheeky's whiskers twitch. "Remember what the alchemist said? 'Join a thing with its opposite, and you will find what is sought?' Hmm, I wonder...."

Clicking two symbols that were mirrors of each other at different points around the circle of stone pillars made a triangle linking some together. Also a fireball appeared next to each stone.

14:21:25] The Well of Dreams--: Cheeky's paw pats your shoulder. "Well done! Now, what did that other alchemist say? Something about one becomes two?"

Looking at the ring of fireballs from above, you could see that some had one on the opposite side of the circle, others did not. So I clicked each fireball that had an opposite one, they turned purple as I did (if you clicked the wrong ones, they just all went orange again).

When I clicked the remaining orange fires as well..that was it!

The Well became purified and I was teleported to a corridor leading to the treasure chamber of the Dreaming Cat.

Also about then you would have received a few inventory offers…enough that they become scrollable across the width of the screen!

Image from Gyazo

Thankyou to all those that contributed to the creation of this years Quest, it was a lovely story and lots of fun and to those that donated prizes too.

Now to unpack all those boxes…

Fairewell to The Fairelands

Tonight the Fairelands faded into the mysts for anoter year. There is a tradition I’ve only just become aware of, which is Creators, Worldbuilders and other Backstage folks gather on Fairelands Junction to watch the Fairelands fade (when Linden Lab switch the Regions off).

Image from Gyazo
The Faire Regions being switched off (Red regions on the World Map are Offline)

This Backstage group also includes the Chroniclers so I decided I had to stay to the very end.


A Petite Problem

“How in all The Fairelands are we supposed to protect something we can’t even LIFT!”

Both avatars are wearing the same mesh petite body and clothes, just in different combinations of ear types, hands and optional parts.

  • Petite Avatar: Allseeing – Fallen Gods
  • Outfit: Nightblood Lady from Bare Rose
  • Egg: ~Libertine~ Collectable Egg 63 “Chronos” – Fallen Gods

Thankyou to Tori Landau for being so patient while I took the photos. Her avatar is the Petite wearing the horned version of the crown that comes with the Petite.

Since the Fairelands fade into the mists again very soon, we will have to wait until the next turn of the wheel  when they  return to find out if the Guardian tracks down and deals with the Collector.

Posts in the series:




Blogger Challenge – The Emblem Project

The title says it all. One of the “Blogger Challenges” on the Fantasy Faire website is to take a picture of your avatar in the Fairelands alongside the Faire Emblem. A chance glimpse as I flew in front of the light of the Hunros Mines, made me stop and pause for a moment to put the logo in place and it was perfect!

Centaurs Parade 2022

Tonight was the Annual Parade of the Centaurs through (part of) Fantasy Faire. It’s the second time I’ve taken part in this event and it’s always fun.

Before the parade there is always a group photo session of all the Centaurs and variants thereof.

There was quite a lot of photos so I thought a quick flick through them would be easier to get a sense of the event.

The parade itself was pretty chaotic, as any large gathering can be, let alone a galloping one! I did find a spot where I was able to catch a few of them parading past however:


Pale Wanderer – Blogger Challenge – Faire Folk

Wandering the land she juggles the vial of suspiciously red liquid sloshing about as she does. Is it blood? Whose is it? What’s that on her lips..?

Outfit Credits:

  • Skirt: -JELLY- Myra Dress – Jezabelle Boutique
  • Top: ::GB:: Cross obi top Black – GABRIEL
  • Potion Bottle: Afterparty – Starry Potion [Right] – Afterparty
  • Skin:Star Mesh – White – Mindgarden Creations
  • Hair: Raven Bell – Nereid Hair – Raven Bell Faire Store
  • Lips:[ KUMIHO ]. j!NX Sauin Zombie – KUMIHO j!NX
  • Hand Tattoos: [ KUMIHO ]. Sauin Dip Dyed Rings v2 – KUMIHO j!NX
  • Facepaint: [BB] Warpaint – Slash – Black (Faded, 100%) – Bryns BOM Squad
  • Upper body pattern: GERMINAL – O’NEILL TATTOO white – GERMINAL
  • Modesty C-String: Assassin of Elvenwood C-String – Jezabelle Boutique

The Guardian of Opet

From her vantage point above the city of Opet she watches the masses of tourists ebb and flow like a tide. They think the city is a relic, its occupants long deceased and the houses turned to shops for their perusal. They are so wrong, its facade. It was decided long ago to let it fall into disrepair and it’s people to fade into myth and legend, to protect all the races of this world.

There is a polite noise behind her and she turns to see her handmaiden stood in the doorway, holding up the old dumb phone used for emergencies.

She takes the phone and reads the message, once again wishing she could ward her home against the modern radio waves. Glancing at the tourists again, it’s their fault, there would be uproar if their brain-sapping devices didn’t function.

“I think we have another Collector, deal with it” along with the approximation of where the moving Sphere was last stationary.

Another Collector already? It was only a matter of two and a half decades since the last one and he’d almost been successful. It amused her how the relations team had dealt with it; making a movie about a Temple of Doom to pre-emptively dispel any rumors that may have surfaced.

The Spheres needed to remain in their allocated places, guarded in secret by each fae race or magical community.

The occupants of Opet had chosen the best way to hide them was in plain sigh but their history forgotten. Turning their city into a museum had been fairly easy, just don’t touch it for a few millenia.

Explorers and archeologists took the clues they’d left and made a reasonable story about what happened. Even if the time frames really didn’t work. Certainly others came closer to the truth, but were called conspiracy nuts, despite their theories matching the evidence better. The “experts” telling the story didn’t want to be embarrassed and make an entire history that had been taught in schools for decades to be wrong.

But enough dwelling on the past, they’d returned and closed the pyramids to the public for “safety reasons” and restored them to working order. Having left their Sphere hidden with local loyal followers it was returned to its place in the pyramid and protected there.

Somehow remnants of the truth had emerged again and she must take action. She’d been called on simply because she was the closest of the Guardians.

Down to one of the display cabinets she goes, removing her weapons stored in plain sight and replaces it with a photograph and sign preporting the item removed for cleaning. Next was some slightly more modern clothing, her regular clothes that the public assumed was simply a costume, wouldn’t be appropriate.

Modern being a relative term. If she walked down a western city street looking like this, attention would definitely come her way. Here in the desert country a wide hat and a mask against the dust wouldn’t draw a second glance.

Once she was changed, it was time to go on the hunt..

Outfit Credits:

  • DYNASTY from Fallen Gods
  • Boots: *KD* Nut overknees – KD KaliDesigns
  • Crow: CKF_Raven ShoulderPet_Small – CKit Falconry Faire Store
  •  Assassin of Elvenwood -Jazabelle
  • Hat: :Static:: Possessed Gunslinger Hat {Coal} – Static
  • Face mask: Neopreme Mask by Meli Imako

Posts in the series:

Featured on the SecondLife Community Blog on Tuesday 3rd May 2022.

The Oracles Message

This continues a series of posts I wrote during last years Fantasy Faire, you may want to read the Collector and Oracle Overseer  posts to catch up.

The Oracle returns to her chambers and retrieves a small metal box and heads to a room at the top of one of the nearby spires. Opening it she removes an old mobile phone and turns it on.

Location: Mythspire Ridge

Of course she could have sent a physical messenger or conveyed her message by arcane means, but it was tiring and this was quicker. “No Service” the screen says. Unsurprised she touched a symbol on the wall that dropped the wards around the spire that blocked the pollution of radio waves that filled the air beyond the valley of Khol Dracys.

She sends her message as quickly as she can, being bombarded with all the modern electrical signals in the air makes her queasy.

The message simply reads “I think we have another Collector, deal with it” along with her approximation of where the moving Sphere was last stationary. Switching off the cursed device and returning to its box, she reactivates the wards and heads for her Chambers to have a bath, she feels dirty from the exposure.

A considerable distance away in the city of Opet there is a jingle and a buzz, the Handmaiden jumps with surprise. The technological relic high on the shelf has been silent for so long and is rarely good news. She takes it down, dusts it off and hurriedly leaves to convey the message to it’s intended recipent.

Location: Opet

Outfit Credits:

  • Oracle Outfit: ORACLE female, Silver Ed. +Fallen Gods Inc – Fallen Gods
  • Handmaiden Outfit: DT&T – Dreamer Silks Black
  • Handmaiden Hair: Raven Bell – Luxe Hair
  • Handmaiden skin: 7 Deadly s[K]ins – BOM – ERIN oak (old item)
  • Mobile phone: Old Cell Phone – Mesh Place
  • Pose/Animation: Cell Phone Play by Animation Station

Posts in the series:

Centaurs Bazaar – Blogger Challenge – Faire Life

Last night I attended the Centaur Bazaar at Necrum Moon and to be honest it was the most beautiful and sedate roleplay I’ve seen in a long time. Usually to make a storyline or plot you have an antagonist of some kind, or situation that raises tension, suspence or excitement. This roleplay was totally different, there was no storyline, it was just a marketplace with people happily trading goods and wares in harmony.

Outfit Credits:

  • Upper body skin and clothes: Dynasty from Fallen Gods
  • Hair: Spectra – Rigged – S.E. Ombre Tempt V1 from Butterfly Kiss Boutique
  • Centaur Body: Jinx : Cen-Lightaur from Jinx
  • Centaur skin applier: *CINNAMON* Jinx Centaur – FF2022 – Jail n Bail exclusive
  • Juggling ball: Jinx : Necturn Moon Hand Orb – Darken Red

[13:02:03] Ava Bloodrose Delaney (Ava Bloodrose): You know what folks? This has been the most beautifully sedate rp I’ve seen in a long time. Other places there’s always some kind of friction as part of a plot or not. Tonight this has just be lovely to watch.[13:02:30] Julala Demina: ((thanks Ava)) 🙂
[13:02:41] Brytestar (Bryte Starlight): ((Thank you Ava!! <3 hats one of my favorite parts about it))
[13:02:45] MiroAIIB: ((come visit us at AOC some time, ava))