Cocoa at Christmas Expo

I found some much warmer footwear than in my first Expo post, defintely more suited to the cold. I’m not so sure about the warmth of this lovely dress though, a hot drink will also warm me up.


Thankyou to Evangeline Arcadia for allowing me to include them in the photo, an empty adjacent seat just didn’t feel very festive!

Expo Landing Point: Welcome Region

Expo Website:

The Claus Family

Back from the seasonal festivities of the Expo, Ms Claus lies back on the bed resting. She watches the sugar-filled hyperactive youngster trying to wake Santa. Good luck, she thinks, he’s worn out and had far too much sherry.

An adorable animesh of a youngster nervously trying to wake up Santa by Dench designs!


Christma Expo Landing Point: Welcome Region

Christmas Expo Website:

Christmas Expo 2024 Opens!

Here’s me waiting for the excited masses to descend on the Wonderland of the Christmas Expo. The trees are lit up, decorations are everywhere, hot drinks and snacks are ready. So I’m here juggling a pine cone as I wait,in my cozy new outfit. Thankfully the paths have all been shovelled and swept, so I can wear my new heels too without getting stuck in the snow!

The regions are themed from the 1900’s to 2020 and cover all your shopping needs.
Visit the 150 merchant shops, find an Exclusive Christmas tree in the tree lot, build a snowman, enjoy 130 hour of Live Music, LE Breedables, Auctions and sooooo much more

Come along one and all, explore the regions of shopping and festive fun.

Expo Items Credits:

Location: Picnic Table area

Expo Landing Point: Welcome Region

Expo Website:

I Backed a Dunkey!

That’s not a typo, it’s a quote. A beloved Scotsman I once knew used to say that phrase when he didn’t do well on the horses at the bookies. That fond memory was one of the first things that came into my head when I discovered this new release by Teegle, a Donkey avatar. In light of that memory, a Teegle racecourse seemed like an appropriate location for a photo.

A tune also came to mind, an old Christmas song “Little Donkey” which made me look for a dusty road, which I found on the Desert Oasis Region at the Living Expo.

Whatever thoughts a Donkey avatar brings to your mind, you can get this new release at the Teegle stand at the SL Living Expo.


SL Living Expo 2024 is Open!

Today the doors open to the Second Life Living Expo 2024. To quote their website description:

SL Living Expo is a Relay For Life of Second Life Mega Event, expanding upon the theme of home and garden and refreshing it in new and exciting ways by adding aviation, nautical, activities and experiences to have a glimpse into the way we live and enjoy Second Life. 

It certainly does look like it’s going to be exciting, with a host of events to keep you busy and musical performances across four stages to keep you entertained.

Event Item Credits:

  • You can pick up your own SL Expo shirt at the photo location near the landing hub, linked below in vendors either side of the arches.
  • Glasses: GLEAM: Peeper Shades – GLEAM Event Booth


SL Living Expo – The Amateur Witch

The SL Living Expo in aid of the American Cancer Society and Relay for Life has been open a couple of days now and I’ve been playing with some of the fab stuff you can get there for your SL home. Anyone that’s taken a look at my blog will see I like a good story, so I’ve come up with one to go with the photos.

Standing in her living room of her Victorian town house Ava positions the book stand in the middle of the room, opposite the fireplace where she can see the portrait of her ancestor. The lady had apparently had some unusual talents that no-one would speak of, but up in the attic hidden under some boards the book had been found. Being somewhat tired of housework and curious, Ava had decided to have a read of the book and try out some of the incantations within.

The old lady had included a few pages of basic steps to get set up tucked in the front which she read. This was followed by several pages of cautionary advice that she skipped over like people do with a T’s & C’s page that you find everywhere these days. Flicking through the next few pages of the book, Ava’s eye is caught by the words “Love Spell” and stops to read this one in detail. Glancing up at the portrait on the fireplace, which now seems to be frowning, she begins following the rituals instructions.


  • Room: Part of “Victorian Estate” by The Looking Glass – TLG Event Booth
  • Dress: Ashbourne & Burleigh Spring Blossoms – A&B Event Booth
  • Portrait: Lenore Painting Ornate – Mementos Mori Event Booth
  • Bookstand: Lost Lenore Spellcasting Stand with Animations – Mementos Mori
  • Couch, rug and adjacent decor: LouChara Adrienne Complete Set – Event Booth
  • Sea Grass artwork and rugs: Chloe in Wonderland – Event Booth
  • Abstract art: //Mind & Body, //Something Special, //Swing by A. Rose – Booth

Event Links:

SciFi Expo Opening Ceremony (Party) NOW!

So “Ceremony” is perhaps a little formal for what is essentially a party, but that’s what they put on the Calendar..

When I hit Publish, there was still 1 Hour and 50 Minutes remaining, since it is from 10am til 1pm SLT, so if you happen to read this before then, come on down!

Party Venue:

The 2022 SciFi Expo is bringing the science fiction community together to benefit Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and the American Cancer Society in Second Life. From Friday, October 14 to Sunday, October 23 come join us on a Voyage Through The Stars, featuring the biggest sci fi designers and shops, live performances, roleplaying events, and so much more, as the community comes together to support finding a cure.
Are you or a loved one battling cancer? Find out how many ways the American Cancer Society is there to help. Visit or call (US) 800-ACS-2345.

Event Organiser Links:

SciFi Expo is open!

Today the long-awaited SciFi Expo opened it’s doors to the public. It covers four regions adjacent to the American Cancer Society regions. The stores are arranged around the edge of a circular space station, all along one side making shopping so much easier! Remember it’s a chatity event, in aid of Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, so don’t be tight with those Lindens!

Yesterday I was able to take a sneak peek at what they had to offer you all and put this outfit together to show you some of it.

The 2022 SciFi Expo is bringing the science fiction community together to benefit Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and the American Cancer Society in Second Life. From Friday, October 14 to Sunday, October 23 come join us on a Voyage Through The Stars, featuring the biggest sci fi designers and shops, live performances, roleplaying events, and so much more, as the community comes together to support finding a cure.

Are you or a loved one battling cancer? Find out how many ways the American Cancer Society is there to help. Visit or call (US) 800-ACS-2345.

Event Organiser Links:

Arrival Point:

Outfit Credits:

SciFi Expo Teaser

The SciFi Expo 2022 is opening this Friday, a Strides Against Breast Cancer and American Cancer Society fundraiser event. They’ve just released a promotional video, so check it out:

Expect more from me on this when it opens and throughout the event!

This post was featured on the SecondLife Community Blog on 13th October 2022.

SciFi Expo 2022 Applications are open

The Scifi Expo 2022 has applications open for Exhibitors(Merchants), Performers and Bloggers. 

The SciFi Expo will run from 14th October to 23rd October, 2022 fundraising for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and The American Cancer Society.

The 2022 SciFi Expo: Voyage Through The Stars

Returning for a third year in a row, the SciFi Expo helps in bringing together scifi designers, roleplayers, performers, and supporters from all across the virtual world of Second Life®, to benefit Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and the American Cancer Society.

The journey continues! Voyage Through the Stars, on board of The Nexus, a mobile space station and one of the crowning jewels of the United Earth Council fleet, as it continues its journey of exploring the vast uncharted reaches of interstellar space.

You can read the full Press Release HERE for more information.

Exhibitor Registration Info: 
Events Registration Info:
Blogger Application Info:

Exhibitor & Event registrations close 10th October 6pm BST/10am SLT. Blogger resgistrations close on 1st October 6pm BST/10am SLT. 

(The SciFi Expo should not be confused with the ‘Sci-Fi Con’ event. Both events raise money for cancer research, but are organised by different groups of people.)

Featured on the SecondLife Community Blog on 26th July 2022