The Scifi Expo 2022 has applications open for Exhibitors(Merchants), Performers and Bloggers.
The SciFi Expo will run from 14th October to 23rd October, 2022 fundraising for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and The American Cancer Society.
The 2022 SciFi Expo: Voyage Through The Stars
Returning for a third year in a row, the SciFi Expo helps in bringing together scifi designers, roleplayers, performers, and supporters from all across the virtual world of Second Life®, to benefit Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and the American Cancer Society.
The journey continues! Voyage Through the Stars, on board of The Nexus, a mobile space station and one of the crowning jewels of the United Earth Council fleet, as it continues its journey of exploring the vast uncharted reaches of interstellar space.
You can read the full Press Release HERE for more information.
Exhibitor Registration Info:
Events Registration Info:
Blogger Application Info:
Exhibitor & Event registrations close 10th October 6pm BST/10am SLT. Blogger resgistrations close on 1st October 6pm BST/10am SLT.
(The SciFi Expo should not be confused with the ‘Sci-Fi Con’ event. Both events raise money for cancer research, but are organised by different groups of people.)
Featured on the SecondLife Community Blog on 26th July 2022
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