The Fairelands Masked Ball 2024

Yesterday was the second annual Fantasy Faire Masked Ball, as usual it was very busy. Held over two Regions there were over 150 avatars in attendance,all dressed in their best finery. As many will know it’s quite tricky to be in such an environment without computer stability issues. However I was able to capture a few images to show those that weren’t able to attend, or did attend but were unable to view the whole scene.

It’s that time again! Fantasy Faire 2024 dates are announced!

Everyone has had a busy few weeks with festive celebrations and the start of a New Year. None of which I blogged about because, well everyone else was, and given the year I had in 2023, I skipped the “Year Review” post too.

However I couldn’t let today’s news go by without comment. The dates of Fantasy Faire 2024, the event of the Second Life year for many, have been announced. So it’s time to mark your calendar and cancel/make no plans for just under 3 weeks:

18th April – 5th May 2024

Below is the announcement post by Sonya Marmurek.

Somewhere in the Mists the giraffes graze. They reach for the leaves of Yggdrasil, wade in the waters of Glimmering Meadows. On occasion a clip-clop of unicorn hooves can be heard in the distance. A snuffle of a hedgehog under the most royal of shrubberies feels more sleepy than alarmed. The Fairelands winter in the […]

Fantasy Faire 2024, April 18 – May 5

Fallen Angel

One of my favourite songs is Wish I Had an Angel by Nightwish, it has some very enticing lyrics and every so often I’m inspired to create an Angel avatar. This time there’s a second reason to create one, the Fallen God & Goddess Contest 2023.

While I was exploring the Renaissance Festival event I thought about how I would stage the photo. I wanted a classic pose, but one that didn’t put me in a position that would obscure the details of the Fallen Gods items. Which was when I came across this gorgeous harp, which was perfect.

Last dance, first kiss
Your touch, my bliss
Beauty always comes with dark thoughts

Wish I Had an Angel, Nightwish

Outfit Credits:

If you want to participate in the Fallen Gods contest, entries are open until 7th October and voting begins on the 9th. Details of how to apply and the rules can be gound on the Fallen Gods Blog.

The Carving

The fresh wounds were sore today,but they had to be endured. To try and alleviate the discomfort she would wear as little as she could get away with and stand in the sun after the marking ceremony. The markings didn’t half hurt when they were carved into her skin, revealing the dark flesh below, but they were what gave her power. So under the light of each new moon, the Elders set to work on her with the ritual knives, to replenish her magics potency. They had tried using tattoos on her skin,some of which still remained on her forearms,but they were not a fraction as effective as cutting the designs into her flesh.

Outfit Credits:

  • Wounds: [Cubic Cherry] {Tarnation} wounds BLACK – New Releae @ Necrocize
  • Face Mask:[Cubic Cherry] {Insight} mask BLACK R (bom) – Mainstore
  • Stockings: [Cubic Cherry] {Mellien} socks BLACK (bom) – Melody{SOUR} Event
  • Top: [Cubic Cherry] {Loomy} top metal ed. ONYX (mait. reg) – Mainstore
  • Pants: sixx . wraith – Kitrina Set – Panty – Maitreya – Necrocize
  • Forearm Tattoos: Lilithe’// Alcmene Tattoos – Fresh [LOWER] – Necrocize
  • Hair: Luxe Hair [Fatpack] by Raven Bell
  • Skin: Draco Silver – Fallen Gods Inc
  • Boots: Addams // Zoe Combat Boots // N*30
    • Lipstick: Knife Party // Halloween Lips Gift //

The Vigil

Having collected a few outfits over the Shop n Hop and other events for Halloween, I thought I’d explore the Halloween Haunted Nieghbourhood for locations to photograph them, so this is the first.

Remember the Shop n Hop finishes on the 1st of November, so some of the items may not be available after that, so be quick!

Flipping the switch by the front door and no lights come on, she sighs and picks up the lamp sat on the reception counter and ascends the dark stairwell. She’s been told the room she has to attend the midnight Vigil is at the top of the stairs to the right, so she makes her way there. Presuming the room with bars and padded walls wasn’t her destination, she takes the *other* right into a bedroom that looks like it’s not seen a duster in decades. Taking a quick look around at the dirty room, she dusts off the least dirty chair, which happened to be a wheelchair, and sits to await the family or any others that might be attending.

The rest of the place was just as creepy on the way upstairs..

Outfit Credits:

  • Outfit & Boots: [JANGKA] SAMANTHA Outfit HALLOWEEN – Jangka S&H (frankly far too expensive at 700L$ for this pattern)
  • Hair: Sintiklia – Hair Tsveta GIFT – Sintiklia S&H
  • Eyeshadow: Replay Eyeshadow from TREND
  • Lipstick: Knife Party // Halloween Lips Gift // Evo X –Knife Party S&H Booth
  • Lantern: 2021 PIXEL BOX Design Holiday Shop & Hop Lantern
  • Head: LeLUTKA Avalon Head 3.1
  • Body: Maitreya 5.1

Photo Location:

SciFi Expo is open!

Today the long-awaited SciFi Expo opened it’s doors to the public. It covers four regions adjacent to the American Cancer Society regions. The stores are arranged around the edge of a circular space station, all along one side making shopping so much easier! Remember it’s a chatity event, in aid of Making Strides Against Breast Cancer, so don’t be tight with those Lindens!

Yesterday I was able to take a sneak peek at what they had to offer you all and put this outfit together to show you some of it.

The 2022 SciFi Expo is bringing the science fiction community together to benefit Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and the American Cancer Society in Second Life. From Friday, October 14 to Sunday, October 23 come join us on a Voyage Through The Stars, featuring the biggest sci fi designers and shops, live performances, roleplaying events, and so much more, as the community comes together to support finding a cure.

Are you or a loved one battling cancer? Find out how many ways the American Cancer Society is there to help. Visit or call (US) 800-ACS-2345.

Event Organiser Links:

Arrival Point:

Outfit Credits:

SciFi Expo Teaser

The SciFi Expo 2022 is opening this Friday, a Strides Against Breast Cancer and American Cancer Society fundraiser event. They’ve just released a promotional video, so check it out:

Expect more from me on this when it opens and throughout the event!

This post was featured on the SecondLife Community Blog on 13th October 2022.

SciFi Expo 2022 Applications are open

The Scifi Expo 2022 has applications open for Exhibitors(Merchants), Performers and Bloggers. 

The SciFi Expo will run from 14th October to 23rd October, 2022 fundraising for Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and The American Cancer Society.

The 2022 SciFi Expo: Voyage Through The Stars

Returning for a third year in a row, the SciFi Expo helps in bringing together scifi designers, roleplayers, performers, and supporters from all across the virtual world of Second Life®, to benefit Making Strides Against Breast Cancer and the American Cancer Society.

The journey continues! Voyage Through the Stars, on board of The Nexus, a mobile space station and one of the crowning jewels of the United Earth Council fleet, as it continues its journey of exploring the vast uncharted reaches of interstellar space.

You can read the full Press Release HERE for more information.

Exhibitor Registration Info: 
Events Registration Info:
Blogger Application Info:

Exhibitor & Event registrations close 10th October 6pm BST/10am SLT. Blogger resgistrations close on 1st October 6pm BST/10am SLT. 

(The SciFi Expo should not be confused with the ‘Sci-Fi Con’ event. Both events raise money for cancer research, but are organised by different groups of people.)

Featured on the SecondLife Community Blog on 26th July 2022

NeoVictoria Photo Contest 2021

The title image here is my entry for the NeoVictoria Photo Contest 2021. It runs until 15th November 2021 and anyone can enter. Just take a Steampunk style snapshot in either of the NeoVictoria Project regions and post it in the Flickr group, then comment on the rules post that you consent to the terms.

The First prize is 5000 L$ so it’s wotrh a quick snap!

Press Release:

Arrival Point:

NeoVictoria Flickr Group:

Rules post:
(Which you should read, since you have to comment on it to enter.)

Below a a few more pics with angle or perspective changes that I almost chose:

Outfit Credits:

Photo Location:

Rainbow Relay

Yesterday saw the start of American Cancer Society (ACS) Relay Weekend. There are 36 regions in a circuit similar to Fantasy Faire but larger, with a track running through them all.

You can take laps around this track in aid of Relay For Life. There are themed builds along both sides of the entire track (known as campsites) that you can stop and explore, as well as donation vendors everywhere, so you can chip in your own contribution, which will usually also yield a gift item of some kind. I was able to snag one of the Ultra-rare Cancer Aware wishbears from a gatcha vendor.

This is just a sample of some of the fantastic builds by the track, you can see more I took in this Flickr Album.

The scheduled events run through to 5pm SLT/PST on Sunday 13th June, you can see the schedule on the ACS SecondLife website. Update: The track regions will be available “at least” until Thursday 17th so you have plenty of time to get over there and do a lap!

TP for the Fantasy Faire Campsite:

Edit 14th June:

Why rainbows? I didn’t intend to mix meanings here, wearing a Pride (Rainbow) outfit to a Relay (Purple) event. Its quite simple, I wasn’t originally intending to blog the Relay (just do a lap) until I was part way around and saw all the beautiful builds, it was simply what I was already wearing when I got there.

My outfit Credits: