Continuing my SciFi Cyberpunk roleplay set on Mars. A large statue has been placed in the middle of the Mars crater town. The residents are not at all pleased with it’s arrival.
[13:48:24] Ava: That's one damn ugly statue out there [13:49:52] Jadz wiping the counter. "Understatement of the century. Hate that thing. Ready to see it topple but you didn't hear that from me!" [13:52:13] Ava: How'd they even get that hideous thing here? [13:54:51] Jadz standing up tall. "I'm not sure where it was manufactured -- probably some factory just churning them out and putting htem in every small town across Mars. I was out there when they dropped it with the crane though -- and flooded the floor with pamphlets extolling the virtures of our Founding Fathers and talking of Martian unification and solidary blah blah blah. I just want a house that isn't a shipping container and to not have to take cold showers anymore. Is that too much to ask? Fuck that statue." [13:58:32] Ava nods "Maybe it needs to be distributed, in pieces [13:59:41] Ava: would have to be careful not to damage peoples property around it though [14:00:27] Ava: what's the betting it's bugged or something? [14:02:55] Jadz tilts her head. "It does have that big old pair of glowing VR glasses -- nod to vintage colonialism. Gross. But wouldn't surprise me if that had some spyware in it, you're absolutely right. I hadn't thought of that. A trojan horse." [14:07:50] Ava taps her eye gadget "Maybe I'll give it a once over and see if my tech can find out anything" [14:08:25] Ava: Being company made I might be able to hack it [14:09:08] Ava coughs "analyze" [14:10:17] Jadz holds her hands up innocently. "Mums the word. I'd really like to know. I do find the whole thing odd and the timing to be weird." [14:14:01] Ava: It's not like they don't monitor enough of everything [14:15:08] Jadz leaning over and whispering. "But you may want to be careful with what you do out there. I have seen some of the security guards being a little extra hard on folks trying to deface it. Someone got a pretty vicious head stomp two days ago. Whatever the reason, Thor seems to want to make sure it's well guarded." [14:16:40] Ava: I'll have to check on the company feeds and see if anyone knows anything else too [14:17:02] Doc walks in as he sits at the bar he drp[s a data disk on the bar as looks up as says " Whiskey please [14:19:33] Ava looks over at the guy entering "Hi" and turns back to Jadz "I reckon there's defitely some tech in it" [14:20:52] Bart enters the bar, scowling, pacing behind the chairs and looking over the patrons. "Any one of your mutts know who took a shit on the statue outside. Was it you blondy?" He flicks her nose towards her, and lifts his utility belt up high. [14:22:03] Jadz gets quiet when Bart enters and just fills the glass for Doc, handing it over the bar and hoping Ava decides to quit her planning. "Haven't seen anyone claiming to have defecated on the statue outside Bart, no. Thanks for asking." [14:24:40] Doc he picks up the glass as he sips it . Then Looks top Bart as says in a raspy voice " Maybe it was a bird. Hell even one those vacationers coming threw" He shrugs [14:24:42] Ava glances over her shoulder as two others enter the bar and addreses the one that apparently called her Blondie "Why would I do that?" [14:25:52] Ava notices Jadz reaction to the guys arrival [14:30:40] Ava notes the guys beret and vaguely military equipment belt "You planning on cleanig it then?" [14:31:11] Bart would lean close to Ava's back, sniffing at her hair, whispering aggressively. "I saw you out there looking at e statue for quite a while. So why don't YOU tell me why you decided to ruin Thor Property, little missy, huh" He almost looks like he's going to bite her face. [14:32:46] Jadz points at Red like that was a good solution. "Right, probably just a big bird. Get a hose and spray it down Bart.. Not a big deal ... now can I get you a drink for the road?" [14:34:18] Ava refrains from responding to the guys tants..for now [14:35:01] Ava turns to jadz "yeah, give him a drink, something really strong, to freshen his breath [14:36:14] Doc as he hears barts reply he laughs hard trying not to fall off his chair as says " Come on leave the girl alone . You want to know why was looking at it so long. Come on she was wondering if that how men where build here on mars . And if so she was not getting lucky ." he laughs even harder [14:36:55] Bart would attempt to throw a flat palm into Ava's back, abrupt and sharp and overly rude. "Hey blonde bitch, I asked you a question." [14:37:52] Jadz would drop a glass and hear it shatter on the ground when she heard Bart starting to get violent. [14:40:19] Ava leans on the bar her crossed arm having prevented the bar higging her in the belly hard and turns her head "Really?"
[14:41:27] Bart would stand up tall, bobbing left and right, snarling. He obviously was getting satisfication out of fucking with Ava and feeling invincible. [14:46:29] Ava turns slowly and lets the man acting like a gorilla see her properly, the black and yellow should really be a clue "take a look, what do you see?" doesn't wait for a response before contiuing " An AMZ uniform, you know the AMZ that ship a your shit to and from Mars. Being a corpo you should be well aware of the political and corporate shit you'll end up in by messing with me?"
[14:47:47] Kom'rk (Rorschach0369): ((That was good))
[14:48:03] Ava: You think you're untouchable because of *your* corporate affiliation? So am I for the same reason. [14:48:51] Ava reaches to pinchs the guys cheak like a little child "now be a good boy and have a peaceful drink" [14:49:11] Jadz would start to sweep up the glass, keeping an eye on the situation... [14:50:14] Doc he finishes his shodleuy as he sits his glass down he rolls his eyes and shakes his head [14:51:18] Bart would swat at Ava's hand, not allowing the patronizing tone, but after seeing the logo would change his demeanor towards her slightly. Narrowing his eyes. "My mistake." You can tell he hates saying it. "Just doing my job -- us white collars have to ask the tough questions." He visibly disturbed that he has to quit his line of harassment. [14:52:38] Ava just turns her attention back to her drink [14:56:54] Doc he crosses his arms and watches
[14:57:07] Bart would reach around Ava and grabs for her drink from her hand. He was obviously a bit impulsive and a sore loser. "Still doesn't explain what you were doing out there." If he can take the glass, he makes a freshing 'ahhh' sound as he finishes it up. "you may be AMZ, but this is a Thor company town. I've got jurisdiction ...." [15:00:03] Ava nudges the guys arm with her elbow as she turns around again, making the drink spill " clumsy. You really want to play the juristiction game?" [15:01:32] Ava glances over at Doc and rolls her eyes [15:03:23] Jadz watches as the room suddenly fills with Thor security personnel. [15:05:26] Bart looks up as a second in command brings in a small troop and notifies Bart that they've found the rogue pooper and have him detained. Bart cracks his knuckles and nods along, listening to everything in his ear, but not taking his eyes off Ava. "Well looks like this time you got lucky and I didn't catch you in the act Blondy... but you better believe that Thor's got their eye on you." he backs up out the door with the rest of the guards, continuing to stare her down. [15:06:07] Doc He shakes his head as think all these guys for one girl he says " Dam did not know there was a Mall here in South Hellas never seen so many renta a cops before . Or Boy Scouts all those guy for one girl a sad day in mars history" [15:08:56] Ava taps a couple of buttons on her wrist as the goons arrive "you see of the things about being an AMZ employee is that you get snooped on even more than our customers"..taps another button and a an electronic voice reports *transmission sent* [15:10:08] Ava watches the goons leave [15:10:33] Bart steps out the door with the rest of his crew. "Well I look forward to doing more business to business negotiation." Bart makes his fingers into a 'V' shape and holds it up to his mouth, sticking his tongue through in the age old gesture of cunnilingus. The door slams shut and they vanish [15:13:22] Ava looks at jadz "I wasn't joking, about being monitored can be real handy sometimes "I just submitted that little chat back to head office, complete with video from my eyepeice. He can bring it on, each threat will just stack up evidence against him" [15:16:42] Ava takes a beer out of the box on the bar and swigs it [15:17:10] Jadz would finish cleaning up the shards, and drumping them into a wastebin. Wiping sweat off her forehead. "You think something will get done about that? God I would really like to see Bart go... he makes me start sweating and I just shut down whenever I have to deal with him. What. An. asshole." [15:17:11] Ava: "Why do goons always have such bad breath? Is it a cloning defect or somethig?" [15:19:32] Jadz would set out free drinks for both Doc and Ava. "Thanks for not escalating the situation, either of you. You're so right Doc Red -- why do they have so many security guards running around. It's not like the actually make the place any safer." [15:19:35] Ava: You misunderstand, if he causes sufficient, I can shut off their deliveries, could make life *real* awkward without confrontation [15:21:17] Ava: You remember that dodgy crate I turned up with Jadz, all that time ago jadz? You think they'd send a green delivery person to drop that off? [15:23:08] Ava looks over at doc to clarify "It was a package with top of the range anti-tamper tech built in and they supplied me with an emergency survival capsule with it, so the contents can't have been pleasant" [15:24:48] Jadz nods. "I do remember that. Whatever came of it?" She keeps checking the door, obviously experiencing some PTSD from the encounter. "If they cut off supplies here -- wont' that impact the rest of the colony? I'm gonna have to find some alternate sources and ..." she groans a little. [15:25:50] Ava: The *Thor* supplies jadz, don't fret [15:27:58] Ava: The box? Oh after you used it to electrocute that troublesome gang leader, I just put back in my place, inside the nuke-safe capsule [15:29:20] Ava looks at jadz .."Oh..that's an idea..." [15:29:33] Jadz puts her hand across her throat and tries to get Ava to shush about the whole electrocution thing in front of the guy she's kinda dating. [15:29:48] Ava promptly stops talking and swigs her beer [15:30:05] Doc he nods as he sips his drink as says " Well i tried but he completely ignored me" He shrugs then replies " That maybe be true but there are other routes to gain information. [15:30:38] Ava notices Jadz's discomfort and can't stop herself from laughing [15:32:09] Jadz looks at Doc. "Yes, I know. I was joking about the esclation thing -- because they *really* hate when you call them Mall cops. I am so glad he didn't hear you... wouldn't want something bad to happen." She pats his hand tenderly. [15:32:23] Jadz looking over at Ava, still gripping Doc's hand. "What's an idea, Ava?" [15:33:59] Ava looks from one to the other "sure you wanna hear this?" [15:34:29] Ava: Wouldn't want to cause trouble [15:35:19] Ava: We give Bart the box [15:35:28] Doc he nods as he looks at Jadz as says " I know but it my bature i am sorry" he then nods to Ava as he listens [15:36:10] Doc: nature [15:39:56] ViçṮФЯiâ RФşє (0VickyRose0): smiles siting quietly at the bar [15:40:26] Ava switches into a tone that's like a mock sales pitch in case anyone was listening "You see the shipping crate I mentioned is AMZ's top of the range in anti-tamper tech. It has a handprint scanner on the top, if the same palm, that isn't the intended recipient, touches it touches it twice in a row the defence mechanisms kick in, which includes sending a very large..terminal..shock into said palm and releasing gas that will knock out anyone else in the room, or about 5 metres radius. [15:40:45] Ava swigs her bear [15:41:48] Ava: We never found out who's palm would open it.. [15:43:13] Doc: "hey Vic" He looks back to Ava as says " Yes seem very tough to crack . But in all honesty there not a system around that can not be hacked. Just plaining on getting the job done and getting the information to do so" [15:44:23] Ava: I was just thinking of letting him to try to open it and be done with it [15:44:44] Ava: Hey vic [15:45:46] Ava: Sure at some point people will try to hack AMZ systems, it's inevitable, but not in anyones interest [15:46:26] Jadz hmmms. "But how do we convince him he should take a peek and also get him to do it in a place where there won't be innocent bystanders?" [15:48:46] Ava: We don't care who our clients are or what we ship, so long as htey pay. So it's as much as in the criminal worlds interest to keep amz in business [15:49:12] Ava: We can work on that jadz, just putting it out there [15:50:10] Doc: "Well if i where to guess . slap two stamps pn the side of the box .One says top secret. The other maybe one their competitors seals . Usually cautious over comes folks" [15:52:44] Ava: Well Jadz, you know where the box is now, and I've no doubt you memorised the access code to my pod, so what you decide to do now, is upto you.. [15:53:26] ViçṮФЯiâ: oh jadz i finished the sample of 4 grams of my weed [15:53:50] ViçṮФЯiâ: i put it in theback room on the card table [15:54:35] Jadz points at herself. "Me Ava? Oh that doesn't seem like my business. But ... maybe you can recruit someone a little more daring. I certainly wouldn't be sad to see that shithead go."

Outfit Credits:
- Bodysuit: – sixx – Cyber Suit – {FATPACK} – Sixx store
- Eye (Right) & Chin gadget: CF – RAZOR CHIN & EYES – Cyberfactory
- Wrist cuff (Right): Cainva Modulators by :[Petrichor]:
- Wrist cuff (Left): Consortium Cuff by Catacomb
- Collar Tattoo (covering neck to chin): ANTINATURAL[+] Specter Collar / Black from Cyberpunk event (Available on Markerplace)
- Boots (the sixx suit has none): Futuristic Flat Calf Boots by Meli Imako
- Weapons: Cyberpunk Space Combat Suit Set by Meli Imako
- Hair: Azren Hair [Fatpack] by Raven Bell
- Body: Maitreya 5.1
- Head: Genus Project– Strong Face
- Skin: -{The Attic}- Anjelica – Natural