The store Salt & Pepper released a new outfit recently called Western Rider at the Teegle Dog & Pony Show. This obviously resulted in a slew of photos on social media of people wearing it, usually on horseback.
While that’s all very well and good, I felt like trying a different take on it. I got an idea when at a Western theme party not long ago I heard the song lyrics “Save a horse, ride a cowboy”. It made me think; any woman can be a “cowgirl” she just needs the right kind of ride….
While that might have been fun, I like to keep my blog PG rated, so I veered away from that train of thought,instead I thought “Why ride a horse when you can ride a Centaur?”
Imagine if Centaurs weren’t the graceful beings we see them portrayed as in stories and Second Life community. What if they were as Wild as the old West? Could they be tamed, made civilized? Intriguing questions that may lead to an interesting story in the future.

I want to say a big thankyou to Tori Landau for playing the part of the Centaur in the photos and suggesting the idea of Wild.
Rider Credits:
- Clothes: Western Rider by Salt & Pepper at Teegle Dog & Pony Show
(Western Rider does have a matching hat you can purchase) - Hat & Hair: TRUTH Montana – Redhead with Hat – TRUTH
- Skin: Milk ELIANE skin (EVO-X) – WoW Skins::
Centaur Credits:
- Top: Malefic Top by Scarlet Fey (group gift)
- Centaur: JINX CenLighTaur – Jinx Store
- Tail:Fluffy Light tail – Jinx Centaur by CINNAMON
- Skin: SANDY CHLOE’ NB BODY MAITREYA*-Lelutka evo X – WoW Skins::
- Freckles: LeLUTKA.EvoX.Freckles.013
- Scars, mud, blush and scratches from Izzie’s
Izzie’s – Body Aged Claw Scars 6
Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – Face Aged Claw Scars 6
Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – Dirt & Mud medium
Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – 04 Ear Dirt more (dark)
Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – Winter Blush (light)
Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – Scratches Nose (light)
Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – Scratches L Cheek (light)
Avatars posed using the Jinx Passenger System for Centaur.
Location: Copper Canyon created by Camilla Runo, now sadly closed.