Orange Witch Overload – Halloweeen 2024

Halloween is my favourite celebration of the year. However it can be a bit overwhelming with the Orange! You can never have too much Black, but during Halloween season the combination really does get a bit tiresome by the time the 31st actually comes along. I thought I’d do this post and then exclude Orange from the blog for a while.

This duo is combining my freebie Witch and my regular self in last weeks Sale outfit from S&P.


Dunking Witch:

  • Head: BeSpoke Faun (with Drow ears)- Mainstore
  • Shape: BeSpoke – Date Night Shape by Mewtenie (I think she needs to eat a few more pumpkins!)
  • Outfit: [C.YFashion]SET WOMAN HALLOWEEN – Booth
  • Hair: Hana from Sintiklia – Booth
  • Hat: Exquisite Enchanted Halloween Hat – Booth

My Outfit:

  • Gloves: S&P Penny gloves & collar black pumpkin
  • Black & Orange dress: S&P Penny dress black pumpkin
  • Orange Boots: AXE-GIFT HALLOWEEN 2024 SHOP & HOP – Booth
  • Skin: .::WoW Skins::. Milk ELIANE skin & shape (EVO-X) from WoW Skins
  • Head: LeLUTKA Avalon Head 3.1
  • Hair: Tsveta GIFT – Sintiklia

Location: Cornerstones Club, Halloween theme set:

Jailed Juice – Halloween 2024

Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetl- … nah maybe that’s not such a good Idea, best leave her there!

Outfit Credits:

Note: I’m wearing Got The Juice on LaraX, but the leggings and boots are for Legacy, also GenX & Reborn sizes included. It’s a pretty good match except for a tiny clip at the back. Both the S&P set and the leggings have texture change HUDs.

Location: Liddell Correctional Facility (Prison Roleplay, SLURL located Outside the walls.)

The Taur Rider

The store Salt & Pepper released a new outfit recently called Western Rider at the Teegle Dog & Pony Show. This obviously resulted in a slew of photos on social media of people wearing it, usually on horseback.

While that’s all very well and good, I felt like trying a different take on it. I got an idea when at a Western theme party not long ago I heard the song lyrics “Save a horse, ride a cowboy”. It made me think; any woman can be a “cowgirl” she just needs the right kind of ride….

While that might have been fun, I like to keep my blog PG rated, so I veered away from that train of thought,instead I thought “Why ride a horse when you can ride a Centaur?”

Imagine if Centaurs weren’t the graceful beings we see them portrayed as in stories and Second Life community. What if they were as Wild as the old West? Could they be tamed, made civilized? Intriguing questions that may lead to an interesting story in the future.

I want to say a big thankyou to Tori Landau for playing the part of the Centaur in the photos and suggesting the idea of Wild.

Rider Credits:

  • Clothes: Western Rider by Salt & Pepper at Teegle Dog & Pony Show
    (Western Rider does have a matching hat you can purchase)
  • Hat & Hair: TRUTH Montana – Redhead with Hat – TRUTH
  • Skin: Milk ELIANE skin (EVO-X) – WoW Skins::

Centaur Credits:

  • Top: Malefic Top by Scarlet Fey (group gift)
  • Centaur: JINX CenLighTaur – Jinx Store
  • Tail:Fluffy Light tail – Jinx Centaur by CINNAMON
  • Skin: SANDY CHLOE’ NB BODY MAITREYA*-Lelutka evo X – WoW Skins::
  • Freckles: LeLUTKA.EvoX.Freckles.013
  • Scars, mud, blush and scratches from Izzie’s
    Izzie’s – Body Aged Claw Scars 6
    Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – Face Aged Claw Scars 6
    Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – Dirt & Mud medium
    Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – 04 Ear Dirt more (dark)
    Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – Winter Blush (light)
    Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – Scratches Nose (light)
    Izzie’s – LeL Evo X – Scratches L Cheek (light)

Avatars posed using the Jinx Passenger System for Centaur.

Location: Copper Canyon created by Camilla Runo, now sadly closed.

Bloody Angels

It is said that on All Hallows Eve the barrier between the realms of the living and the dead is at its thinnest. Who’s to say that other such barriers become thin, perhaps between the realms of Angels and Demons?

Maybe the Angels go and play in Hell, or the Demons in Heaven? Do younger Angels dare each other to go take a selfie in Hell without getting caught? They’d need to dress the part so they don’t stand out. They also have to dim their natural aura so they don’t light the whole place up, which was a skill difficult to master for some.

The Demons really don’t like this game the Angels play, but there’s not much they can do about it. The touch or any physical contact of an Angel will turn most demons to dust like a vampire in the midday sun, even just their aura is painful. All a demon can hope to do is chase them away, or have human slaves attempt to capture and drag them to a crossing point. They did try an assortment of projectile weapons against the Angels, but generally this turned out to be pretty futile.

So while the Angels play their games, the Demons just go torment the Living instead.

Outfit Credits:

Dreamz Express

Having recently paid a visit to the Winter Hop n Shop I had a very nice and warm outfit that just called for a wintery location to explore. I saw Dreamz Express on the Destination Guide and it looked perfect.

I arrived on a very busy train platform with lots of passengers apparently awaiting the next train.

The information available said the RP journey takes 2 hours and mentioned ticket prices of L$5oo and L$300 for children. Unfortunately there was no indication of who to pay and when the next train was departing, so I set off on foot. At the end of the platform there is a ski-lift that will take you down to the ground level.

I followed the nearest path through a beautifully festively lit arch way, which just brought me back to the station. So I walked the tracks instead as far as I could before meeting a blocked tunnel. Given not much choice I did what any SL resident would do (right?) and jumped over the rail..

Which turned out to be a very good idea (unlike if you were to do it in RL), there’s lots to see and explore down here so I’d recommend exploring on foot.

While exploring down here I came across a tunnel with some wintery inhabitants.

Rather than disturbing the Noob in the wild I took a side tunnel where I saw a snowborder outside.

Aside from not actually being able to ride a train (at the time of visiting) Dreamz Express is a beautiful and photogenic wintery location to explore alone or with friends. Definitely dress up warm though, the snow is rather blustery!

Arrival point:

Outfit Credits:

S&P have a Trinkets machine at the Shop n Hop which is like a gatcha, but you know what you’re buying before you pay, the numbers relate to parts of the outfit.

SecondLife Winter Wonderland 2021

Every year there are masses of events and activities in SecondLife for the Christmas period that run throughout December. One of the regular highlights is the Winter Wonderland that gets built each year by the Linden Moles. Here you’ll find everything you’d expect from such a name, covering 5 regions.

When you first arrive you’re near the snowball fight arena, which is pretty impressive and is the venue for the annual Residents Vs Lindens snowball fight event:

But I wanted to see what else the place had to offer, so I went the other way up some steps through a snow corridor to where the landscape opens out again.

Main attractions are an ice skating rink, ferris wheel to ride, festive village to explore and a large snow race track.

I followed the signs to the Ice Skate area to check that out, if you don’t have your own skates you can get some at the kiosk. Even if you do have skates, the ones here do have a cool optional FX attachment that causes your skates to carve into the ice here.

Onto the other attractions..

Outfit Credits:

This post was featured on the SecondLife Community Blog on 17th December 2021.

Angel Manor

I came across Angel Manor by way of a Spotlight article on the SecondLife Community blog and what a treasure it is.

I used the Visit Us page on the website to find my way to a number of different places, starting with the Rose Lounge. The whole place has a wow factor, it feels classy yet relaxed with great attention to detail everywhere.

I explored the other “Rose” related locations on the region, which includes a Theatre and Gallery among other locations such as an Opera House. All looks simply spectacular.

The Angel Manor Region is the centre of a small continent consisting of no less than 12 Regions for you to explore. I paid a visit to both the boating lake and the gardens, which were beautifully relaxing to spend time in.

I would definitely recommend taking the time to visit Angel Manor and the surrounding grounds either on your own or with a friend because the ballrooms and other areas are just enchanting to dance in.


Outfit Credits:

This post was featured on the SecondLife Community Blog on 29th November 2021.

Halloween 2021: Different perspectives but all fun!

Halloween is a special time of year, for different reasons for different people. For some it is a deeply religious time when rituals are performed formally or informally to honour the dead and rememer lost loved ones. You can find legimate Wiccan/Pagan organisations in SecondLife that perform these ceremonies.  The opposite extreme is the very Westernised version of the holiday that is a retail exercise featuring lots of black,orange and kids dresing up to get sweets.

Wherever you feel you fit on that range doesn’t really matter in SL. You can go to the rituals, the parties, the shopping, it doesn’t really matter so log as you’re enjoying yourself.

The common theme through it all is the costumes! Whether you go for playful cute witch, some kind of monster or in my case dark creepy vampire, it’s all such fun!

There’s not much in terms of skin coverage in this outfit, but that’s kind of the idea for a vampire on the hunt. Too much clothing would just get in the way and soak up any spillage that could be drunk! The cloak is definitely a requirement though, it lets me wrap up and disappear into the shadows quickly away from witnesses!

Photo Location:


Halloween 2021: Haunted Hummingbird Isle

Next is The Haunted History of Hummingbird Isle which is by the same designer as Once Upon a Spell, but it feels a little smaller. I totally love the environment settings here, a thunderous sky with appropriate sound and rain.

The pirate ship isn’t boardable, but it definitely makes for great scenery on the beach before you proceed up the steep steps to the gardens and house.

From up here you get a great view of that cool sky again before you walk through the rain to the house.

I opened the doors and stepped through, immediately recognising the building was the same as one I saw at Dead Mans Island last year, however while the layout is the same the interior and contenst of the rooms is different so still worth exploring!

Landing Point:

Outfit Credits:

This post was featured on the SecondLife Community Blog on Monday 11th October 2021.

Hooker Holdup

Inspired by an excerpt from The Blade Between by Sam J. Miller.

Transcribed from the reading by Draxtor, prior to the Second Life Book Club on 14th April 2021.

“In 20 years the railroad will arrive from New York City, heading north for Albany for Canada. Its path perfectly plotted to cut off Hudson’s North Bay crippling the city’s shipping trade, start it’s slow decline to irrelevance. 40 years after that, Hudson will have become the East Coast largest centre for prostitution. Diamond Street whorehouses so notorious they will have to change the name of the streets of Columbia after the governor personally census form of state troopers to bust up the brothels that local authorities have coddled and patronized and exploited for information for decades.”

So I thought it would be fun to put together a cliche prostitute look for that episode of the Book Club.

Book Club Video link:

Turns out the quote was one of the readings as well, you can hear it at timestamp: 33.38

Of course some location shots were a must, but wouldn’t be complete with an arresting officer too! Which is why it’s taken so long to get around to publishing this, I needed to find one that would let me go afterwards!
