Following up on my post “The AMZ Delivery Lady“, Ava is surprised to encounters the recipient of the package she had been supposed to deliver weeks earlier.
Ava exits her storage crate home and crosses towards the group gathered near the buildings and greets the group
[13:13:15] Ava looks around at the gathered folks [13:13:25] Ava: Hi everyone
A round of returned greetings are received, but one gets her attention more than the rest.
[13:17:30] Penelope Keene turns to Ellie and raises a shoulder to gesture at Kam. "She's expectin' a kiddo." She tilts her head to the side as another unfamiliar face approaches, Ava, as others are calling her. She gives a wave with her cigarette clad hand. "Heya, Ava. I'm Penny. I run the farm over there. Good to meetcha'." She nods across the crater towards the warehouse that containers her tech. [13:19:49] Ava pauses as if reading something only she can see and puts her hand slowly on her pistol.." well do you know her?" as if Penelope hadn't spoken. You all remember the package I was meant to deliver? Apparently she was the one meant to collect it.
Ava steps closer to Penny
[13:22:40] Ava addresses Penelope "You were meant to collect a package at Helix city a while back weren't you?"
[13:27:30] Penelope Keene blinks rapidly as Ava suddenly addresses her with such a detailed question. She stutters slightly as she speaks. "I mean, I ran packages every once in a while to Eden's Nursery, but I mostly stuck to my warehouse, tending to the plants." She grins playfully, attempting to lighten the mood. "I had a lot of takeout delivered."
[13:30:27] Ava taps her eye augment "Face recognition of package recipient. I was delivering the package you would have collected. I think a very dangerous package. Given I was given a personal bomb shelter capsule to bring with me when I came to Mars."
[13:33:08] Ava steps up closer to Penelope. "I think several of us would love to know who you were picking it up for, given the place pretty much exploded after the delivery was missed."
[13:38:19] Penelope Keene brows furrow and she mouths "huh?". She brings her hands up as Ava approaches. "Whoa, I have no idea whatcha' mean. I know nothing about explosives. I never dealt with stuff like that." She shakes her head and glances around at the others. She nods to Balan and gives a wave. [13:38:48] EL1 Ell1e 's lips press, obviously hearing Gabor and Kam talk as her L.E.D's stay faulted to Ava as she seems to watch her every movement. "Perhaps, Kam. Gator, you should head inside the cave. There is much less dust there, and it is healthier for the baby. I will bring you refreshments shortly." She says, her tone mellow and yet holding to a want to see them safe. She starts to turn to mention something to Balan, but her open lips pause as she nods her head once. "Yes. Fairwell. Miss Balan."
[13:41:40] Ava: Well Penelope, it was a munitions crate I was delivering, so I guess you were just the runner then. [13:44:22] EL1 Ell1e 's interest in the conversation the two are having is given with the fact her eyes flicker to them for the faintest of milliseconds. Her eyes staying now, at a steady yellow, she seems almost at peace in stance. If one were not to observe her steady appraisal of Ava's movements. [13:45:51] Penelope Keene's face is still twisted in a look of confusion as she watches Ava approach her. She drops her cigarette to the ground and stomps it out before crossing her arms across her chest, bristling slightly at the implication that she may be out to hurt people. "I ain't never hurt anyone. I ran packages. Grew product. That was it." [13:48:39] Ava extends her arm in a non-threatening but insistent motion and indicates the touch sensor on her couriers armband "hand print would settle whether you were the person meant to collect it. However that doesn't mean you meant anyone harm. The person you would have been collecting it *for* clearly was.
[13:49:44] Penelope Keene nods slowly, hesitantly offering her palm. [13:50:28] Ava: so as I said, we might like to know who you were meant to take that parcel *to* [13:50:33] EL1 Ell1e 's steps are light, gently placed as she walks steadily toward Penny's side. Her smile, as it appears on her features does not make it to the mimic of the expression on her cheeks. "Understood." She states, almost sharply. [13:51:35] Ava watches as the scanner flashes green and beeps a positive reading [13:52:43] Ava: What are the chances of the person it was going to still being around and expecting it,any ideas? [13:53:51] Ava steps back slightly to a more relaxed distance [13:57:04] Penelope Keene lets out a sigh, hating talking about her past in the city, but realizes that she doesn't really have an option at the moment She mutters "okay, we doin' this then" under her breath before locking eyes with Ava and speaking in a clipped tone. "I was employed by a gang that ran outta' the casino in the city before it went down. I grew their product and we sold it out of Eden's. I didn't get outta' that warehouse often, and I definitely didn't ask questions when I was pickin' up packages and delivering them to my boss at the casino." She lets out a sigh, looking over to Ellie to see her reaction before turning her attention back to Ava. "I wanted to get a fresh start and get away from that." [13:59:03] EL1 Ell1e 's eyes flicker the lightest bit of green seeping back into the yellow orbs as the tone shifts. The fact that she is listening, obvious with the way she lets her head shift the faintest amount from person to person. [14:02:42] Ava notes the glance to Ellie and ajusts her stance addressing both of them "well I'm sorry to be raking up your past, but if they're going to come looking for that puts us all in danger. You see why I wanted to know? [14:05:53] Penelope Keene eyes shift over to Cod and she gives a quick nod in greeting before looking back at Ava. "I get whatcha' mean." She puts on a hand on her chest. "I swear, I don't know nothing 'bout what's inside that package though. If my former employer had plans for it, I don't know what they are." [14:05:59] Ava: I was very startled when my implant went mental at me when you [14:07:45] EL1 Ell1e 's gaze shifts, reading them both.
[14:08:59] Ava nods "yeah, usually company policy not to ask questions either. We just deliver the weapons to whoever pays, but given that the city is uninhabitable now and I'm kinda stuck here.. [14:09:03] Ava: me shrugs [14:09:20] Ava: I guess they didn't need what's in the package after all [14:10:27] Penelope Keene nods in understanding. " Whatcha' gonna' do with it now?" [14:12:48] Ava: no idea, it's a big doorstop in my crate for the moment. I has some rather nasty anti-tamper measures on it, so unless you were specifically asked to check the contents, it stays that way. Until I can get it transported back to HQ" [14:13:26] Ava: and as a runner, I doubt you were [14:13:34] Penelope Keene shakes her head. "I never got to look inside the packages. Just delivered." [14:13:38] Ava: so it remains a mystery [14:16:04] Penelope Keene smiles sheepishly, fiddling with the fabric of her jacket as she speaks. "Well, I'm fuckin' horrified that I was gonna' deliver something that dangerous. Best of luck to ya', Ava. Be careful. I gotta' go tend to the chickens, but if ya' need any food, come see me, yeah?" [14:16:33] Ava sticks out her hand to shake "I'm sorry for being hostile, but you understand. I'm ava, lets start over" [14:17:06] EL1 Ell1e 's eyes shift gently, watching the incoming hand. She takes a mimic of breath, her eyes stabilizing back from yellow to green. [14:18:01] Penelope Keene hesitates for a second before nodding in agreement. Her lips quirk into a grin as she takes Ava's offered hand. "Deal. I'm Penny. It's good to meetcha'." [14:18:59] Ava: I will come by another time for sure.
Once Penny is out of earshot Elli addresses Ava:
[14:24:48] EL1 Ell1e 's arm comes up to accept the half hug from Penny, and her head shifts to follow her movements toward the coop. When Penny is a distance away, her eyes narrow at Ava. "Penny is needing good human connections. Do not effect her human relations." She says, and gives one solid nod before she starts to turn into the shelter. [14:26:18] Ava hearing Ellies parting words, she turns and nods "Understood".
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