Roleplay: Setting up shop

Here I continue my Sci-Fi roleplay that started in Helix City then Hellas Planitia crater. There’s a change in the story Lore here, in line with that of the Helix owners story. Previously the roleplay was set on Mars as an outpost/frontier community and luxury goods or supplies were shipped from Earth. Now Mars has become more developed and the frontier is out beyond our solar system (exact location not specified).

Ava has arrived in the frontier town and found premises to use as a shipping office. The shipment of business essentials (see post) has also turned up and she’s ready to open up shop.

2022/02/16 07:50:22] ViçṮФЯiâ: we all got houses and started explroing the land and all the humans ran to the woods. there al hill people now then thwre is a townys
[2022/02/16 07:51:39] Ava Bloodrose Delaney (Ava Bloodrose): /me rolls her eyes "oh great, the desert dwellers became Hill Billies!"
[2022/02/16 07:51:47] ViçṮФЯiâ: me and seffy went up to ask question and got guns pionted at us. so now seffy is straped[2022/02/16 07:52:19] Ava: maybe I should go chat to these fools
[2022/02/16 07:52:21] ViçṮФЯiâ: and me to i got stonefish out
[2022/02/16 07:52:53] ViçṮФЯiâ: that is what we was trying and it got heavy fast
[2022/02/16 07:53:50] Ava: However I suspect it may well be that they're the kind of folks that don't like you unless you're 100% Human
[2022/02/16 07:53:55] ViçṮФЯiâ: oh and lomax is very nice. he owns the junk shop and you could find all types of stuff there

[2022/02/16 07:54:57] ViçṮФЯiâ: called me rasist but they dont know what i've been thought. i dont trust a lot of human

[2022/02/16 07:56:06] Ava: How can *you* be the racist, when you are the one being mistreated?
[2022/02/16 07:56:22] ViçṮФЯiâ: oh and thankyou for makeing shorld my bike mad it here
[2022/02/16 07:56:27] Ava hugs Vic[2022/02/16 07:56:37] ViçṮФЯiâ: smiles

[2022/02/16 07:57:31] ViçṮФЯiâ: its just how my life gos. see the horns and think danger. but im a big softy
[2022/02/16 07:58:33] Ava: Well, I didn't personally do it, like your bike, I got loaded up on the ship as bous stuff forthe grunts to sell

[2022/02/16 07:59:51] ViçṮФЯiâ: there is so much going on when we was shoved of the ship i lost it and i had to ask people and you know there no help i had to steel it form inpownd
[2022/02/16 08:00:13] ViçṮФЯiâ: oh and my old cred stick works here
[2022/02/16 08:00:24] ViçṮФЯiâ: i had money
[2022/02/16 08:00:36] ViçṮФЯiâ: just could not use it in hellas
[2022/02/16 08:01:09] Ava: Well that's a bonus!

[2022/02/16 08:02:13] Ava: well now I'm kinda defrosted and office set up, I should probably start looking for customers, who would you suggest?
[2022/02/16 08:03:39] Ava: If lots can be found in hte junkyard, there must still be stuff that *can't* ?
[2022/02/16 08:06:19] ViçṮФЯiâ: maybe link up with muddy hes got a shiping corpo building. but i dont know what he ships. maybe set up a order link with lomax so he can get more then junk to
[[2022/02/16 08:08:15] ViçṮФЯiâ: i dont think the hill people use the town much and i dont know how thay got ....OH yes there is cows and goat in the hills i never seen befer
[2022/02/16 08:09:00] Ava scans the barcodes on the various crates with her eye augment to find the one she wants while vic replies, then places her palm on a crates reader to open it. Rummages inside and come back round with a couple of small packets
[2022/02/16 08:09:45] Ava holds up a pack of cigarettes to vic "here, catch" and tosses it to her
[2022/02/16 08:10:11] Ava: junkyards don't usually have those I suspect
[2022/02/16 08:12:12] ViçṮФЯiâ: atches it and looks at them . i think so lot of people smoking here. i dont like the tobbacoo just weed
[2022/02/16 08:14:06] Ava: Well I had the office put some in the crates because they were in high demand at Hellas
[2022/02/16 08:14:40] Ava: I had orders for them by the crate, til the dumb helix grunts came along
[2022/02/16 08:15:58] ViçṮФЯiâ: i do feel that there is ways to make money here like old helix
[2022/02/16 08:16:23] ViçṮФЯiâ: im starting up my weed growing again but im selling it this time
[2022/02/16 08:16:45] Ava: very smart
[2022/02/16 08:17:22] Ava points at the pack in vics hand "well now you can cut it with baccy"
[2022/02/16 08:18:22] ViçṮФЯiâ: i found a old hydorponic set up and got it working with all the stuff penny showed me
[2022/02/16 08:19:39] Ava: well that's cool, a proper set up is what you need, if you're gonna sell it
[2022/02/16 08:19:45] ViçṮФЯiâ: oo ok will do or freak the cigg tube and make weed ciggs to sell
[2022/02/16 08:21:03] Ava: but if you're selling the stuff, doesn't that then make your kit valuable? Is it secure where you have it?
[2022/02/16 08:21:22] ViçṮФЯiâ: lomax is down for some weed but making the hill people trust me that all im doing it trying to sell weed with out them trying to shoot me
[2022/02/16 08:21:51] ViçṮФЯiâ: yes it is right in my house

[2022/02/16 08:21:56] Forcefield: whispers: Warning shield is raised

[2022/02/16 08:22:02] ViçṮФЯiâ: no one can get to it i think
[2022/02/16 08:22:13] Ava taps a button on one of her cuffs..
[2022/02/16 08:22:40] Ava points at the forcefeild she'd activated, secure *enough* though?
[2022/02/16 08:23:33] ViçṮФЯiâ: well i dont have one of them inmy place
[2022/02/16 08:23:53] Ava: my point was, that could be arranged
[2022/02/16 08:23:55] Ava smiles
[2022/02/16 08:24:08] ViçṮФЯiâ: just my doors and not telling a lot of people
[2022/02/16 08:24:25] ViçṮФЯiâ: oh smiles

[2022/02/16 08:24:36] Forcefield: whispers: Shield is down

[2022/02/16 08:24:38] ViçṮФЯiâ: i will have to show you my place
[2022/02/16 08:24:55] ViçṮФЯiâ: so you get a idea what im up to
[2022/02/16 08:24:57] Ava taps the button again to deactivate it
[2022/02/16 08:27:22] ViçṮФЯiâ: i think seffy lives above you to
[2022/02/16 08:28:05] Ava: does she? Getting in there is da,m awkward with the door hidden around the back
[2022/02/16 08:29:33] ViçṮФЯiâ: yes but i think she likes it that way not easy to find[2022/02/16 08:31:58] Ava: I'll have to try catch her sometime. I thought I might have had to rent it, so I had somewhere other than the office to sleep
[2022/02/16 08:34:03] Ava: So I get these company-issue bunks to sleep on
[2022/02/16 08:34:09] ViçṮФЯiâ: nods smiles i got a top floor place
[2022/02/16 08:34:27] ViçṮФЯiâ: and it had a little landing dock to for my bike[2022/02/16 08:35:52] Ava: I will have to come visit your place for sure at some point soon


Outfit Credits can be found HERE.

World of Helix

Back in May 2020 I wrote about a SciFi roleplay region called Helix, followed very shortly after by the news of it’s closure. This wasn’t however the end of my story, it was just the start of a storyline that’s run across multiple locations in SL on and off for the year and a half since then.

Now the former owners of Helix have returned with a new location called World of Helix. This isn’t a city this time though, its more an outpost town with cilivans as well as military personnel that they describe as an adult sci-fi Western.

You arrive in the woods outside the town, which is behind you with the wilderness in front of you.

After a brief glance at the nearby structures (more on that later) I headed into town to see what it has to offer. Immediately at the gates you get the tone of the place with guards posted outside.

I entered cautiously taking a glance each direction before heading left to walk a circuit of the town.

All seemed fairly regular civillian establishments, including the requisite pink neon entertainment. As I approached the place where I’ve decided my character will set up shop, I’m reminded of the military presence by way of a dark green truck next door.

Heading in that direction through a gateway there’s a few landing pads then the rest of the area contains Military personnel and installations.

Passing all this brings me almost full circle back to the entrance gate of the town. However coming from this direction I noticed something I’d missed before.

The local gun shop

Given my characters history of transporting weapons I had to have a quick peek. I was surprised there would be such a shop with the military around they might have wanted to restrict civillian weapon ownership. But what better way to control weapons than by controlling the shop?

Since I’d completed a circuit of the town it was time to have a look out into the wildnerness. Out here there’s a wide selection of buildings and terrain to be seen.

(Please bear in mind some of these are rental homes and may well be inhabitated by the time you visit, so don’t just walk in uninvited.)

Looking at the map on the website it’s quite evident I’ve only shown a fraction of this great new roleplay build, so I’d recommend any Sci-Fi fan come check it out and join in the RP if they wish. I would definitely suggest reading the story setting on the website before engaging in roleplay.

World of Helix is planned for public opening on 15th January 2021, so do drop by and take a look!

Photos were taken on 29th December 2021, so things may look slightly different by the time the 15th January 2022 comes aroud, but not much.

Arrival point:



For my Outfit credits see my previous post : AMZ Roleplay Character Refresh

This post was featured on the SecondLife Community Blog on 14th January 2022.

Roleplay: The Pilot

Following Ava’s fairly unfruitful visit to the Armoury and conversation with a potential first customer on the way, hopefully a meeting with the pilot mentioned will be productive.

[08:15:12] Ava wanders around the various parked up ships looking for the one she'd been told about

[08:16:02] Ava stops short as she sees someone sat in the shelter of a ship "Hello there"

[08:16:03] Szondi raises an eyebrow noticing the newcoming , but then concentrates again on her computer

[08:16:56] Szondi looks at the newcoming '' hello ''

[08:17:35] Ava steps a little closer "Hi, I'm looking for a pilot called Szondi, wouldn't happen to be you by an chance?"

[08:19:12] Szondi half nods '' so tell the may i help you ? ''

[08:21:40] Ava : My name is Ava, I work for AMZ, yo probably noticed the big yellow crate over there by now. I've been sent back to this dust pit to set up and negotiate shipping deals with whoever needs them.

[08:22:02] Szondi closes the computer and places it on ground , near the chair '' you can come closer i don't bite , yet ''

[08:23:09] Szondi : do you want i deliver your stuff?

[08:23:35] Ava steps closer, just under the canopy "I was talking to the chick in the Armoury she was pretty unhelpful, saying she had her own stuff worked out, bus suggested I come talk to you"

[08:24:21] Ava nods "Yes, I was thinking something like that yes, sub-contract as it were"

[08:24:55] Szondi frowns and meditates...'' legal stuff , i suppose....dont wanna troubles , you know ''

[08:27:26] Ava : I expect so yes, but AMZ does have a policy of not opening any packages we're asked to ship, best for all parties concerned. Which of course if *you* stick to that, it passes the buck to AMZ for the contents.

[08:28:37] Szondi : that AMZ covers responsabilities ? any sort of legal assurance ?

08:32:00] Ava : The rules are very..undefined..out here. AMZ uses that to it's advantage, adopting that policy and using our crates passes the responsibility to AMZ, yes. The parent company on Earth is too big to be messed with. Works for everyones advantage.

[08:33:21] Szondi : hmmmmm * nods and smiles for awhile , meditating * sounds interesting , yes....tell me more , please

[08:41:35] Ava : Well right now I'm trying to get a feel of who wants what shipped, AMZ were hoping to get contracts with thor and earthgov

[08:42:06] Ava : so far that's not lookng so promising

[08:42:45] Szondi : i don't wotk to Thor ...mainly , but before continuing there are some things you had to know...

[08:43:22] Ava nods "ok, lets hear it"

[08:44:16] Szondi stands up and makes a sign to Ava , indicating to follow '' ok , come aboard please

[08:45:20] Szondi : you can see this is not a freighter , i mainly transport passengers...

[08:46:24] Szondi : people who wants a fast , safe and discrete trip to their destination...with no questions...

[08:46:55] Szondi : i can carry only 2 tons of merchandise...

[08:49:37] Ava /me nods looking at the vessel "Well that's fine, I find it's often the smallest packages that pay the highest prices anyway. The limitation works in your favour too, scarcity raises prices"

[08:51:20] Szondi : maybe but not in Mars....a journey to Gagaringrad and back costs me 1500 C-bills , so i need to recover that amount and get some profit...

[08:57:57] Ava : I think we''d have to negotiate that on a load by load basis. 1 pound is not a lot for that price. We'd be talking likely very dubious contents. But as I said, you'r covered by AMZ for that.

[08:59:47] Szondi : i don't ask what boxes have in , just need a cover if gov officers inquire about...i'm not a smuggler...

[09:05:35] Ava : Well I'm not asking you to be a smuggler, AMZ is a legit shipping company. I'm not sure on exactly what loopholes AMZ have jumped through, but you don't have to worry about the officials. They can't open the boxes, that's the beauty of it. I can't, you can't. Only the sender and the intended final recipient with a biometric lock.

At which point the strange world that is RealLife required my attenion, so I look forward to continuing this story sometime soon.

Outfit Credits

Roleplay: Potential First Customer

On her way to find the pilot mentioned by the Armoury proprietor Ava comes across a potential customer outside the Thor Mining Corp offices.

[07:40:52]  Cyka looks over to the woman in front of her appearing obviously grouchy as she nods briefly. "Hi... You wouldn't happen to have some smokes on you by chance...?"

[07:43:27] Ava shakes her head "No sorry, never picked up that habit. I'm Ava, a courier for AMZ, they've sent me to try and set up shipping deals with whoever wants or neds them."

[07:44:18]  Cyka cocks her brow some and just sighs "Any chance you can procure cigs. or different kind of courier?" she asks obviously going through nicotine withdrawal if Ava had ever seen it before.

[07:47:34] Ava: I'm sure I would work something out, get some on a shipment this way, but obviously would have to be among other stuff. The Armoury chick wasn't too cooperative and not been able to make contact with anyone from Thor or EarthGov yet.

[07:48:41]  Cyka nods lightly "Thor mostly keeps to themselves.. and i would suggest not trusting the earth gov people are far as you could throw them" she states flatly. "but if you can get me a few cartons of cigs i will pay you cost and a half for them. "

[07:52:08] Ava laughs "Trust? No, any large organisation, corporate or government shouldn't be trusted. You just gotta use their language though, cash. I don't care if they're trustworthy, so long as they pay upfront"

[08:01:07] Ava: Well I shall keep you in mind your offer as I fish around for customers, a shipload just full of cigarettes might not be all that profitable..but we shall see.

[08:03:15]  Cyka shrugs "Im a street sam. working for the towns mayor. All i need are cigs and booze. and I'm offering a 50% over cost at base. more if in bulk.. so just keep that in mind.. its a comodity out here"

[08:05:00] Ava: I certainly will. Gotta go with market demand, if that's fags n booze, so be it.

[08:05:52]  Cyka chuckles "i dont know about market demand. but if nothing else. you will have a steady reavenue if you help me out.. and i can help deal with any one who might fuck with your routes. " she says with a chilling smirk

[08:07:22] Ava nods in completely understanding the womans' last comments "Definitely a consideration"

[08:09:36]  Cyka shrugs lightly before yawning "Any ways, names Cyka, i work dirrectly for Jadz as her security detail. if you need some help let me know. Will owe ya a favor if you manage to get those cigs. and.. some say a favor is as good as gold" she says lightly reaching to her pocket only to remember her pack of cigs has long since been filled with this horrid places dust just sighing in irritation

[08:11:00] Ava: Thanks Cyka, I look forward to working with you, I've gotta go head over and talk to a pilot that the armory chick told me about.

[08:13:02] Ava raises her hand in a farewell wave and heads off
Outfit Credits:

AMZ Roleplay Character Refresh and Update

Since my return to the Hellas Mars crater Sci-Fi roleplay coincided with the opening of the CyberFair event this month I thought it was time I gave Ava’s AMZ characters appearance a bit of an overhaul, along with some embellishments and extra details to her story.

The Story so far:

Ava is a courier for AMZ (All Mars Zone) that ship pretty much anything anywhere. She was sent to Mars originally to deliver a particular dangerous package (given that she was sent with a personal bomb shelter capsule), to the Martian city of Helix. The delivery wasn’t originally made because the city was evacuated. Later she met the local courier that she was supposed to give it to on Mars, but not the final recipient, so she was stuck on Mars with a useless dangerous crate and a portable bomb shelter.

After some time spent with the refugees of Helix she was recalled to Earth by the company. When she explained the situation on Mars and the surprising growth of the crater community to her employers, they sent her back. Her instructions were to establish an office there and negotiate shipping contracts with whoever or whatever organisations or entities required them.

The resulting “Office” being a very loose term for a storage crate painted in company colours and signage placed under the shuttle landing pad.

AMZ are now using unmanned drone ships for the long haul to Mars, controlled by an AMZ employee for take-off and landing, or if the there is problem such as the pod deviating from its set course. The company’s focus is customer privacy, confidentiality and shipment security. To this end the drones cargo compartment can only be opened by AMZ employees with biometric authentication. Additionally customers can ship goods in AMZ crates with similar protections, so only the intended final recipient can open it.

More roleplay stories coming soon!

Outfit Credits

Roleplay: The Hellas Armory

My recent return to Hellas crater to tell you of it’s rebuild has got me back into mind of Roleplaying there again. So I’m reviving my AMZ courier storyline.

Recap: Ava is a courier for AMZ (All Mars Zone) that ship pretty much anything anywhere. She was sent to Mars originally to deliver a particularly dangerous package to the Martian city of Helix. After some time spent with the refugees of Helix she was recalled to Earth by the company. She’s now been sent back to Mars to establish an office there and negotiate shipping contracts with whoever or whatever organisations or entities required them.

Thinking that the Armoury might be a good start for places that will need regular supplies, Ava pays the proprietor a visit.

After some time chatting over a drink, it becomes quite evident that the proprietor isn’t interested in the services AMZ has to offer and Ava politely leaves. It hasn’t been an entirely wasted visit however, Ava now has the name of a local pilot that might be useful for transporting goods across the planet.

RP Log:

[06:53:25] Ixela: hello missus , may i help you ?....problems with your weapon ?

[06:55:46] Ava smiles "nope, just came to check the place out and see what you might be short on. I courier weapons and my employer is wanting to expand here, potentially supply you"

[06:57:51] Ixela meditates for awhile and nods '' can he supply me for Astra-Llama sub-machineguns ? Minolta-Dragunov rifles ? Mauser&Gray pistols ?

[06:58:03] Ava : All Mars Zone shipping  is looking to take an interest here, with regular shipments to and from Earth. Main client would probably be the mining co, but doesn't mean there's not room for stuff you might need on those ships

[06:58:57] Ixela: shipments from Earth are late and expensive , my common customers can't afford it on their repairs

[07:01:28] Ava : Shipments are expensive because of infrequency, more there are, the cheaper they become. But what I'm talking about is adding your stuff onto shipments mostly paid for by the corpos, to make the most of each voyage.

[07:06:32] Ixela: hnmmmm* grumbles , then frowns and stares the woman , then smiles * thanks for your offer , missus , but i already have a provider in i can get second hand pieces and supplies

[07:13:05] Ava shrugs "Ok, well I hope that works for you. My bosses want to try and set something up here, but hopefully we won't get in each others way.

[07:13:09] Ixela looks inside the workshop and makes a signal to the woman , '' weh! come and tell me about these shipments ''

[07:14:07] Ava follows the woman inside

[07:14:12] Ixela shows the table '' take a seat , please ''

[07:14:57] Ixela offers a coffee cup to the woman

[07:17:34] Ixela: now , tell me about these shipments...

[07:18:50] Ava : okay, it'll be easiest if I start at the beginning...

[07:19:01] Ixela: please...

[07:21:15] Ava : A while back before the city of Helix was evacuated, I was sent to escort a very dangerous shipment. Nasty enough that they sent me with an emergency shelter capsule. I never made the delivery before the city was evacuated, the recopient go between neer showed.
A few months later, I came across the courier, or rather my implant here *taps her eye augment* spotted her. She confirmed she was meant to have collected it, but didn't know the final recipient.

[07:22:56] Ixela nods , listening carefully

[07:23:08] Ava : So I've been stuck on Mars with a dangerous shipment and no client.

[07:23:56] Ixela nods meditating...'' a weapons and ammo shipment ? ''

[07:24:07] Ava : Til recently I was called back and they decided they want to start something here, a branch office or something, with the presence of a corp here, it's likely htey'll get plenty of business

[07:25:03] Ixela: on who are you meaning when say ''they'' ...the army ?

[07:25:56] Ava : They, as in AMZ shipping

[07:26:37] Ava steps out for a moment an comes back with a small box and puts it on the table

[07:27:01] Ava : this cursed thing is what I've been lugging around

[07:27:05] Ixela: these are private deliveries ?

[07:28:34] Ava : a mix, this one was evidently for some with far too much money in the city.

[07:29:17] Ava : and evidently intending to have a negative impact on the population, or some of them at least

[07:29:50] Ixela: hahahahaha...then don't look at me , i won't be prosecuted for buying stolen materials....

[07:31:30] Ava : Dont worry, this isn't for sale

[07:31:40] Ava : even I can't open it

[07:32:05] Ava : only the intended recipient can, with a palm scan

[07:32:38] Ixela: anyway , i dont want troubles , i have my providers ....maybe not the best quality stuff , but all legal...there are government officers here.....

[07:34:02] Ava : Oh I wasn't suggesting anything illegal, AMZ is a respectable business, dealing in private and commercial shipments, the contents aren't our concern.

[07:34:13] Ixela: i don't care on the crate size but in the contents , and if it has a former owner

[07:36:48] Ava : by which you mean, you want new? Or don't want new?

[07:36:52] Ixela: i have no room for such storage ...why do you ask me ?

[07:42:51] Ava : I'm just offering another shipment route that might have benefited you in some way. But if you're all covered, that's no problem. I'll be negotiating with Thor and EarthGov anyway, so no loss on my end.

[07:43:03] Ixela: as i said , my customers can't afford new supplies on their weapon's repair...i don't work with Thor customers are private persons...

[07:44:48] Ava : So I gathered, just thought another courier might be useful, you'd be paying cheaper personal rates for your items.

[07:45:45] Ixela: i know someone who makes private transportings

[07:50:36] Ava shrugs "well in that case I think we're done here. Thanks for the drink" puts down her cup and stands

[07:51:20] Ixela smiles '' as you wish...don't want to ask the person i mentioned ?''

[07:52:23] Ava : Perhaps it would be useful to know all the players in the market yes.

[07:52:54] Ixela: but first i must ask you something...are you human ?

[07:55:34] Ava : Yes. I would have thought that was obvious, but I guess all you can see is neck up and an implant it's a fair question.

[07:56:24] Ava : It's just an implant, rest of me is human

[07:56:38] Ixela: some cyborgs are undistinguishable from humans lately...and that person hates cyborgs , droids , sinths and nearly any non-human

[07:57:25] Ixela: i guess she has good reasons to act this way...

[07:57:28] Ixela: ok

[07:57:37] Ava nods "many do feel that way"

[07:58:06] Ixela: go to the port , entering on the pistes , in the right side , box she places her hoverboat

[07:58:41] Ixela: she's more daring than me

[08:00:05] Ava : Okay, thankyou, who shall I say sent me to her?

[08:00:51] Ixela: as you wish....guess she has no protocol....

[08:01:08] Ava nods

[08:01:21] Ixela: her name is Szondi

Outfit Credits:

Hellas Planitia Rebuild – a Sneaky visit

I’ve been meaning to do this piece for quite a while, but the folks kept adding,expanding or moving things, now apparently it’s complete.

Because I like to write about places from perspective of a newcomer and I’m a member of the community here I decided to go in disguise,using an Alt avatar. I’m sure they’ll forgive my little deception eventually, but it did help get a fresh perspective on the place.

The arrival point is on a landing pad next to a rather battered old spaceship and provides a good view of the surrounding area, which is mainly shipping crates I thought at first, til at the back I saw a vehicle, I thought it would be best if I didn’t try to drive it off. You’ll also find a teleporter here that takes you to the Deep Space Hub located at Moonbase 3.

Heading on towards the entrance I was greeted warmly by Jadzia, who told me a whole bunch of useful stuff and answered my questions. Quite a lot of it I didn’t actually know, because the place has changed a lot and there are lots of new storyline elements I wasn’t aware of. (So it wasn’t a waste of your time and breath, Jadzia.)

I continued left into town and followed the main street to do a circuit of the place. There’s lots of places to see and explore here, providing lots of opportunities and locations for roleplay.

There’s a few other places that you reach by Teleport doors, but I’ll let you find those for yourself, wouldn’t want to spoil everything.

What’s different I find about Hellas is the community effort and storyline that’s genuine. They did live in a city called Helix which had to be evacuated (the region closed) and they did find themselves homeless, so they settled in a dusty crater and built lives for themselves.

Some of the regulars

This story and the environment it creates, very much gives you the feeling of an old Western frontier town or mining colony. Like the old West, it has attracted some not very nice characters(story wise), doing things that would make them criminals on Earth. As a result the authorities on Earth are taking an interest and trying to assert themselves on the populous. Alongside this you have a not-so-reputable mining company that are trying to do the same, as they restart mining operations in the crater. Hence some newer less derelict-looking buildings about the place.

There are lots of post-apocalyptic, dystopian and shiny space station locations in SecondLife which I’ve seen lots lately. Hellas is different in that Earth is still happily ticking over, life going on as normal. The citizens ignorant of or uncaring for those that have chosen this remote life.

Landing point:

Outfit Credits:

  • Skin:[Stargazer] Variety Skin Set BOM – Apex Teal -Mainframe July 21
  • Bodysuit: G509 Tempest from Graves
  • Boots: G613 Alliance Ankle Boots from Graves
  • Sword: [.fn] Plasma Arsenal – Blade -MainFrame July 21
  • Hair: Azren Hair [Fatpack] by Raven Bell
  • Body: Maitreya 5.1
  • Head: Genus Project– Strong Face

MoonBase 3

MoonBase 3 (MB3) is another member of the Cyber Alliance, it celebrated it’s first anniversary in March 2021. This makes it fairly mature in terms of SecondLife Roleplay locations that can come and go overnight. A glance at their website before my visit showed they have done quite a bit of exploration, but as I like to go into places as a new visitor, I stopped reading after the first couple of posts relating to those topics.

The landing point is large and has stuff everywhere, it was at this point looking at the boards that I realised this place isn’t just a single destination. It’s kind of a hub with info and connections to lots of other RP places.

However where I’m going today is in the other direction, a ramp leading up a couple of rather cool teleporters.

It’s a little detail but a fun one. Usually you have to sit on a teleporter if the region isn’t using an Experience script, these ones you click the little control panel and just walk into the light that appears. I chose first to visit the Security checkpoint area.

As you can see there’s plenty to explore here. I did have to cheat a little by teleporting through the security barrier into the Restricted Area, because my Visitor ID bracelt wouldn’t let me through. There are a few more spots here, including a Recreation area, consisting of a Court that seems to be for a mix of volleyball and basketball and a running track.

Next was the Research area, which I only had a brief look around, but it looks like it could be good fun. For some reason my visitor ID wouldn’t open the Public Labs, but I felt I’d cheated enough already, so didn’t try teleporting through.

There’s plenty more to be explored that I haven’t shown here, so do go check it out.

Outfit Credits:


Landing Point:



Vortex of Lust – Part 2

In Part 1 of this post I covered the Central Market and brief snaps of The Surface and the Aurora ship. Now I’m going to expand on those, first the Aurora. When you arrive on the scaffold it feels very dark, but I didn’t realise why straightaway. I headed down the steps towards the lights of a tent. The place is surrounded by hydroponics capsules for growing food and wind turbines for generating power. Inside the tent loks like field equipent, like they just arrived.

If you look upwards you can see why the place is so dark, the massive looming form of The Aurora above you. You can see here the sheer scale of it is pretty impressive! Taking the lift at ground level takes you up into the ship and the entrance to a massive complex maze of corridors.

I’m not going to do a step-by-step tour here, the place is just too big. Here’s a few of the highights.

Now to head back down to the Market and from there, the Surface. The lift drops you above a wooden palisade wall which made me think of a Gorean panther girl camp, but don’t worry it’s not. Just old RP memories on my part, the metal staircase dispels that thought rightaway. Down the wooden ramp and out the gate is a path through partly cleared forest. Not so unusual until we take a look around whats on either side.

Heading first to the steam vents I can see the extend quite some way, but it’s what’s causing the steam that’s more worrying.

Next I enterthe woods and investigate the stone ruins, the tower proves quite interesting..

Having seen that beautiful building in the distance I just had to have a closer peek, which involves going through a swamp though.

I’ll leave you to explore the inside. While I was exploring, one of the community asked if I’d found the ice cave yet. I hadn’t so they showed me. It’s down underwater so you’d have to know it was there to find it I suspect. There’s an NPC down there too.

I had to find my respirator for down here

As you can see this place is huge with lots of locations to roleplay. One thing though had me and possibly you wondering..where’s the Lust? There’s quite a few kinky toys about the place, but not really Lusty as such. However it doesn’t take too much imagination to think that maybe the portal pictured below (that can be found near the ship Aurora) is perhaps said Vortex of Lust.. Even less imagination required from the other side, which has a beautiful fantasy landscape you should defiitely come and explore.

The Vortex the place is named after perhaps?
A Fantastical landscape awaits on hte other side, so go check thi out too!

Landing point:



Outfit Credits:

Vortex of Lust – Part 1

I came across Vortex of Lust through a post in the Cyber Alliance discord server,which included the description below.

The refugium known as the Vortex has a wide variety of geographic features, from the familiar to the fantastic.

The centre of it all, both proverbially and literally, is the Free Market, which rests on a floating platform anchored to a derelict mass of rock that floats above the surface.
Above the Free Market the Battleship Aurora rests collided with another splinter of levitating rock, hosting a portal to the Floating Islands, a place of beauty and mystery high above the Vortex.
The surface is a wild and dangerous place with frozen seas, endless mazes of tunnels, treacherous swamps and far more treacherous inhabitants. Travelers to the surface should be well prepared.

This description had me very intrigued and the images more so. The locations appear to range from steampunk through urban and into cyberpunk, dressing for this place could be a challenge!

Given the mention of battleships and ice lakes I thought a full body protective suit seemed the best option, along with a few survival accessories.

First view on arrival

I like a clear uncluttered landing point with clear signage and as little surplus stuff as possible. The Vortex has this, however it also has a lot of information to be shared prior to entering the RP area. Most of this relates to the HUD used here, which auto-attaches as soon as you accept the regions Experience permissions. There is a new players area that talks you through it all. Once you go through there you are guided to an are that tells you about the multiple locations here.

The New Player Area

The different locations

You leave this are via the Vortex at the centre.

You emerge through the Vortex into a new area that feels quite steampunkish at first glance.

A rather impressive portal
You arrive here through the Vortex

This is the area known as  Central Market. Despite modern aspects like the grage door and submarine, inside things are quite antique or industrial.

Behind the garage door is a study type room with old book cases and antique desk, but with a full tech suite upstairs.

Heading over to the submarine it only seems to serve one purpose, the local jail.

Around the corner I find signposted The Jolly Harbor Tavern and The Surface, I take the Tavern first. I reminds me of Drune Diesel in atmosphere for some reason, maybe that’s due to the piano in the corner, but looks like an interesting place to roleplay.

Now to explore in the other direction towards “The Surface”, following the signs direction I see a crashed plane and crane above some kind of gantry.

There’s also a buildy to the left that I thought I’d check out first, I’m not entirely sure what the purpose of the machinery is, but the other peice of hardware in the room hints at some not-so-innocent activities.

Carrying on my journey I head towards the gantry to see what awaits, a lift that descent to the surface.

At the bottom is an interesting place that looks like it’ll be fun to explore, you can see in the first snap that the place extends quite some distance before the view is obstructed by trees, which instantly makes it feel more mysterios.

Since the Central Market is essentially in the middle of the region, in terms of elevation, there’s also the airship Aurora to be explored above. There is a similar lift next to the submarine that takes you there.

I’ll show you some more of the Surface and Aurora roleplay areas in Part 2.

Click Here for Part 2!

Landing point:



Outfit Credits:

This post was featured on the SecondLife Community Blog on 6th August 2021.