Reflecting in The Old Tunnels

Swimming through these old tunnels always makes her think about all the people that must have passed through here before the water rose. Her people have seen the rusted remains of the vehicles that ran on the rails in ancient times past, it always makes her reflective of what the world was like back then. Where were they going to and where from? It must have been awfully noisy compared to the quiet stillness that fills them now. Now it’s just a safe playground for young Mers due to the narrow entrances large predators can’t enter.


  • Tail:Riptide Mermaid Tail (Maitreya) + {Aii & Ego} – Faire Store
  • Tail Skin: [Floro] Abyssal Tail Mod – Faire Store
  • Tattoo: [Floro] Abyssal Flesh – Arms Purple – Faire Store
  • Tattoo: [Floro] Abyssal Flesh – Chest and Neck Purple – Faire Store
  • Head: BeSpoke – Deep Sea Siren – Head (f) (EVO X) – Faire Store
  • Body & Head Skin: BeSpoke – Deep Sea Siren (F) EVO X – Andiron – Faire Store
  • Bra: :: ANTAYA :: Coral bra FATPACK – Faire Store
  • Hair: Azren Hair – Shaved –Raven Bell Faire Store

A Night at The Circus

Tonight was the Jail n Bail of the Lindens and Moles. The Lindens having been dragged off to perform in the Circus need to be bought back to keep our grid running! They had some insane prizes up for auction; a Full Region paid for a year and Family Name Change, which I’ve never heard of, but you were bidding on a Custom Last name of yourself and 10 invited friends! That sold for 100K L$ (406 USD / £386), which when you work it out and divide it up by 11 names..that was quite a steal and I wish I’d had the nerve to bid!

A last minute update… the Lindens have extended the Faire by 2 days, so it will now stay open until the 7th of May.


Fantasy Faire 2024 Opens: Faire Views

The Fantasay Faire 2024 has opened! I have for you simply a few views I saw on my first wanderings through the Faire for starters. As with previous years, there’s always a Wow factor around any corner. I didn’t get all the way around the Faire in my available time, so this is just a fraction of what you’ll see as you explore and I’ll have a lot more to show you.

Main Fantasy Faire Website:

Store List:

Preparing for the Faire

In the days leading up to the Faire things get pretty busy for the Merchants, finishing items, making posters and putting it all in thier booths. The other thing they do is add an item or two to the Blogger room. For the Bloggers it’s a time of anticipation, we’ve seen WIP photos, what final gems are we going to get this year? Also there’s the question of an outfit for Faire exploring, preferrably made from Faire items. So what I’m showing you today is a mix of new stuff from the blogger room that you’ll be able to buy this year and some purchased items from last years Faire.


Faire Items:
(Links will be provided when Fantasy Faire opens on the 18th)

  • Face Tattoo (white flecks) : K9nnor – [EVOX] Soft Spots – Faire Store
  • Face Tattoo (eyeshadow) : XS Primal EvoX Thunder Veins – 1 – Black – Faire Store
  • Arm Tattoos: ~FHHS~ Growth- DOTS tint black 100% – Faire Store
  • Arm Tattoos: ~FHHS~ Growth- STEMS tint black 100% – Faire Store
  • Hand Tattoos: ~FHHS~ Growth- FINGERS tint black 100% – Faire Store
  • Hair: Raven Bell – Magnolia Hair ~Shimmer~ + [Fantasy] –Faire Store
  • Backdrop: Folklore & Fable : The Arwen Fantasy Faire Garden House 24 – Faire Store

Faire 2023 Items:

  • Dress: KD Lua ripped dress Lara
  • Body Tatto: Artoos Ink – Embrace of the Dragon 70 – SL Tattoo Layer BOM
  • Boots: UNA. Dove Boots

The Faire is getting closer…

The Mysts are slowly parting, the Fairelands approach and as they do, the Chroniclers Emblem glows brighter. Surrounded by her notes and books telling the tales of past Faire times she waits.

Are you ready for the arrival of The Faire? Fantasy Faire 2024 arrives on the 18th of April, will you be ready?

Official Press Release


  • Outfit:.Silvery K..:Steam Eques
  • Book: PIXEL BOX – Library Book – The Poet for arm R
  • Desk: DRD – Bloodcroft Castle – Desk
  • Emblem: Fairelands Quest HUD box 2023

End of an Era : Linden Lab sponsorship of Draxtor comes to an end.

Earlier this week I received an email from Draxtor’s occasional update newsletter, which announced that his contract with Linden Lab comes to an end this month. I saw this as a very sad day.

Draxtor Depres (aka Bernard Drax in the real world), has been creating media of various types in our beloved virtual world for as long as I have been in Second Life and long before that.

Drax had a very unique arrangement with Linden Lab, a retainer with final cut approval. This gave him the freedom to create insightful, honest and entertaining content without corporate influence. He described his contract with the Lab in an interview with me in April 2021:

“I do Linden Lab contracting work where I produce weekly videos highlighting destinations, creations and creative individuals in personal profile style videos. In that sense you could see me as influencer, since I am on the payroll of Linden Lab AND showcasing the best of the platform. I don’t have a problem with that classification (influencer) however I would like to add that with my specific contract I have tremendous freedom to choose topics and the way I visually present them.
It is maybe a bit like working for the local tourism agency of country XYZ where you LOVE all the stuff the locals do and you tell stories how they do it!”

I believe Drax’s content, along with the likes of Strawberry Singh, has significantly influenced a change in the internet search results for “second life”. I remember when such a search would return merely griefer videos and negative stereotype tropes (to use Drax’s term), now it returns a much more positively relevant collection of results.

Here I had to stop myself for a moment because this was starting to sound like an obituary. While this is not a death, I’d say it’s definitely a loss to the Second Life community. Draxtor intends to continue making Second Life videos of various types, read his announcement linked below for more details on his plans for the future.

When the Second Life Book Club launched I started attending quite regularly. I had great fun creating avatar looks that were inspired by the book being discussed.

A SciFi outfit I put together for SecondLife Bookclub

A Flickr Album of my photos taken at the Second Life Book Club:

Second Life YouTube (largely populated with Draxtor content)

Draxtor’s YouTube

If you want to help support Draxtor to continue making his content, have a read of his announcement below. Where you will also see a selection of his videos, he picked one for each of his time with Linden Lab.

Draxtor’s announcement:

My blog post when I interviewed Draxtor:

Post header image taken at the Second Life Book Club 19th May 2021.

Neo Machina

I was scrolling through a Second Life social media feed yesterday when something yellow jumped out at me. It was a post about a location called Neo Machina that was no longer going to be closing. Now I’d not heard of this place, but it seemed to be an urban cyberpunk setting, which just happened to feature yellow neon. Long term readers will get the relevance of this, but not new readers. My long running sci-fi/ cyberpunk roleplay character is a courier for a fictional company by the name of All Mars Zone Interplanetary Shipping (AMZ for short) and their company colours are black & yellow. So I just had to go check the place out.

This Neo Machina is an interpretation by the owner of a much older location of the same name that disappeared a few years ago, in the way Second Life venues sadly tend to.

I had a good wander around this place and it definitely gives you the vibe of the city description below.

NEO MACHINA was once a sprawling and thriving industrial city, ruled by corporate dominance under supervision of the ruthless Authority. In the year 3285 humanity realized their vision in creating engines that could take them to the furthest reaches of the stars, and beyond. What they failed to avoid, and create proper fail-safes for, was the complete degradation of time and space due to the manner of which they travel: Through the synthesis and ignition of dark matter.

Left in the wake of one thousand Life vessels carrying billions of people in Ark Cores off to find new planets and new homes, is a deteriorating planet, and an exploding star. In the atmosphere hangs a wormhole, left behind by the corporations that abandoned the planet under threat of certain doom. All who remain struggle to keep hold of some normalcy of life one hundred years later as the continued threat of total collapse looms above.

Can they rebuild? Will those that remain find a way to survive?

Welcome point notecard

Given the references to long distance travel and struggling for survival, I’m sure there might be a place for AMZ in there somewhere to supply the crumbling planet.

Outfit Credits:

  • Pants:[ContraptioN] Arva Tech Pants – at FaMESHed
  • Boots:[ContraptioN] Arva Boots – at The Warehouse
  • Jacket: Meva Tiz Jacket – Mainstore
  • Eye (Left): Astara – Cyber Eye Augment by ASTRA –Marketplace
  • Backpack: [ContraptioN] Hard Shell Backpack – Contraption Sci-Fi
  • Chin guard: [ContraptioN] x TURB – Jaw Protector – Contraption Sci-Fi
  • Body tattoo: HIATUS – Hive Tattoo – Store link (via Silvia Antorian profile unable to find item)

Arrival Point:

Featured on Second Life Community Blog 6th March 2024

SLEA: Love Robot 69

Yesterday evening I attended a show. I wasn’t sure what to expect and I was blown away by what I saw.

This is the description I was given:

“Love Robot 69”, created by Chrix & Lalie using the Bloom system, is SLEA’s latest particle show, succeeding “Flower of Evil”. This performance delves into themes of sex robots and AI companions, merging sensuality and technology. A visual journey that encourages reflection on virtual relationships, offering a perspective on the evolution of intimacy in the digital age.

I’ve seen virtual fireworks and numerous particle light shows in Second Life before, but this topped all of them by miles.

Before the show starts there is simply a female avatar rotating in the air. When I use the word “avatar” here I do not mean the forms in which we inhabit the virtual world, I mean the classical interpretation that has existed long before computers. It has a number of definitions, often relating to a god’s form on Earth to the more abstract. In this case I’m going for:

“The physical embodiment of an idea or concept; a personification.”

Although by the end of the show, you may think it’s the former definition!

This creation is roughly twice the height of the average Second Life human avatar. Despite the suggestive title this is a PG presentation, so anyone can enjoy it.

The lights go out, music starts and you’re presented with a stunning display of sound,colour and motion for the best part of an hour.

I took way more snapshots than I could possibly fit here, so I’ve picked a selection to try and illustrate this amazing display.

As it says in the description, this is an SLEA (Second Life Endowment for the Arts) grant funded project and the Lab certainly got their money’s worth this time. It’s a collaboration between Chrix (chrixbed) and Lalie Sorbet that’s definitely worth an hour of your time.

I enquired when the show would be repeated and was told:

“It will be set in the next couple of days [to run] for 3-4 weeks.”

Update 17th Feb 2024: The show is now running on a constant loop, so you can go see it anytime. This means that you could arrive at any point during the presentation, but as a sort of guide as to where you’re at my photos are in chronological order. The video clip at the top and first two images in the gallery are from the start.


SLEA website:

A final Note of Caution. I make no secret inworld of the fact that I have epilepsy. Fortunately however I am not particularly “photosensitive”, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have been able to enjoy the show. This fantastic display contains rapidly changing lights and motion, if you do suffer from photosensitivity of any kind, watch at your own risk.

I Backed a Dunkey!

That’s not a typo, it’s a quote. A beloved Scotsman I once knew used to say that phrase when he didn’t do well on the horses at the bookies. That fond memory was one of the first things that came into my head when I discovered this new release by Teegle, a Donkey avatar. In light of that memory, a Teegle racecourse seemed like an appropriate location for a photo.

A tune also came to mind, an old Christmas song “Little Donkey” which made me look for a dusty road, which I found on the Desert Oasis Region at the Living Expo.

Whatever thoughts a Donkey avatar brings to your mind, you can get this new release at the Teegle stand at the SL Living Expo.


SL Living Expo 2024 is Open!

Today the doors open to the Second Life Living Expo 2024. To quote their website description:

SL Living Expo is a Relay For Life of Second Life Mega Event, expanding upon the theme of home and garden and refreshing it in new and exciting ways by adding aviation, nautical, activities and experiences to have a glimpse into the way we live and enjoy Second Life. 

It certainly does look like it’s going to be exciting, with a host of events to keep you busy and musical performances across four stages to keep you entertained.

Event Item Credits:

  • You can pick up your own SL Expo shirt at the photo location near the landing hub, linked below in vendors either side of the arches.
  • Glasses: GLEAM: Peeper Shades – GLEAM Event Booth
