My avatars online persona started with an email address.
This way I could separate SL related, avatar specific, mail from other day to day RL stuff. These days such things can be acquired in just a few minutes for free.
Then I thought it would be fun to tell people about my adventures in SL, so I bought a website domain for a blog, although I didn’t start using it for quite some time. When I actually started using that, a Twitter account to promote it followed as well as a Flickr account for photos I took inworld.
I was gradually unintentionally building my avatar into a full online persona or psudonym, to the point they have more of an online presence than my RL identity.
But when does a persona become a “brand”? Is it based on the number of people that know of you? Number of “followers” or customer sales if you have an actual product.
To make things more confusing I discovered this term “brand-persona”, where a company creates a persona for their brand, without the actual person part. A fictional figurehead that doesn’t have a person behind it, but a marketing team. Sure we’re aware of these things, but I wasn’t aware there was an actual term for it.
An article I found on this suggested that individuals, while having or being an actual brand, don’t consider themselves as such. Whereas with business it’s completely the opposite,but that’s not surprising.
This lead me to think about these people known as “Social influencers”. Just the term makes me cringe, because it makes me think of “Reality TV” show participants that suddenly achieve “celebrity” by doing not a lot, certainly not anything worth being celebrated. But maybe that’s a misconception.
So what’s a social influencer?
The website Influence Markering Hub describes it as: “People who have built a reputation for their knowledge and expertise on a specific topic. They make regular posts about that topic on their preferred social media channels and generate large followings of enthusiastic, engaged people who pay close attention to their views”.
They go so far as suggesting influcer types from “Mega” down to “Nano”, based on their follower numbers.
However based on the definition above, I have friends in SL that are probaly influencers, but they don’t consider themselves as such. They’re not the ones that make me cringe, it’s those that identify themselves as such.
Maybe if we follow the suggested numbers, persona becomes brand when you reach a certain “type” of influencer, at X amount of followers. Since the definition of these characters changes frequently, presumably the answer to my query does too.
I really struggled with this idea though, it seemed very wrong to base value of something or some achievement based on mere statisitcs. To help me try and figure some of this out I asked Draxtor Despres. Undoubtedly an avatar and he certainly influences people, however I’d never want to insult him by calling him a brand.
The questions do overlap but I couldn’t decide which one might get to the point of what I was trying to work out.
Q. At what point does and avatar persona become a brand?
Draxtor: A simple answer to that is if you are on an entrepreneurial path, if you have something to sell. Which is totally fine. The wonder of second life is that you can do a mum and pop type shop or create something and have complete power over how to market to sell it and that’s a wonderful way to do commerce. So I would say an avatar persona becomes a brand when there’s commerce involved.
Q. Is whether an avatar becomes a brand related to the number of followers they may have on social media platforms?
Draxtor: Follows has absolutely nothing to do with anything, the idea of followers to measure the importance of what you do in terms of success in a measurable binary sense is total bullshit. That’s the capitalist paradigm. The capitalist paradigm is trying to equate number of sales to the importance and to the validity and to the greatness of a product and that’s just total bullshit.
Q. Do you think using an avatar name outside Second Life as name of blog or social channel make it a brand?
Draxtor: I would totally do that just for consistency. If you talked to somebody who studied marketing in college would probably say I’m talking about branding, probably I am but I just don’t like the word because the word to me is clouded and soiled frankly by the nefarious agenda to sell bullshit to people for monetary gain of a small elite.
So it would appear Draxtors thoughts on the subject, matched pretty well to my own. His assertion that quite a lot of it was bullshit resonates with my thoughts that it felt so wrong to place value or worth on something or someone based on popularity or how many people know or approve of them.
On the subject of influencers however he had this to say:
“I do Linden Lab contracting work where I produce weekly videos highlighting destinations, creations and creative individuals in personal profile style videos. In that sense you could see me as influencer, since I am on the payroll of Linden Lab AND showcasing the best of the platform. I don’t have a problem with that classification (influencer)however I would like to add that with my specific contract I have tremendous freedom to choose topics and the way I visually present them.
It is maybe a bit like working for the local tourism agency of country XYZ where you LOVE all the stuff the locals do and you tell stories how they do it!“
That now looks like a contradiction, since I said people that identify themselves as influencers make me cringe. The difference being here is that Drax hypes imagination and creativity in the virtual world, not things for sale.
But is it that simple? Throw in money and you go from a persona to a brand? I thought maybe I need some more input, a contrary view.
I asked someone that I thought fitted this description, that receives money via sponsored ads on their social media content. I asked if they felt they considered themselves a brand and if so, at what point they thought an avatar becomes a brand.
“I think our social media foot print is kind of like a brand. Any time you are blogging or vlogging you are branding your self, your image, etc”.
Unfortunately I didn’t get a reply to a follow up question for any clarification but thier response does match up with the finance argument Drax makes. Their money comes in through their social media postigs, because they charge for ad space, which therfore makes them a brand just by posting.
So maybe it is that simple after all.
Coincedentally just hours after I posted this article Isabelle Cheren posted a spoof video called “That Cringe Social Influencer” which depicts very well the type of person I talk about above, give it a watch.
I’d love to hear any thoughts readers may have on this, so do please put your thoughts in the comments. (While you’re there, read the comment by Drax where he clarifies some points.)
This post was featured on the Second Life Community Blogon 7th April 2021.
I think I said the word “bullshit” quite a few times in this interview. Now that is brand consistency am I right? Just one clarification in regards to followers on social media: my point here is that to equate the cultural, societal or even economic impact and importance of any given cause or product with the number of followers and use that as the ONLY METRIC is … well yes: BS! Aside from the reductive way to measure even monetary success by looking at likes on Twitter or Facebook, we live in dangerous times where nefarious bad actors can hype some crappy position on any given social issue via inflating likes and traffic [via bots or click bait or both] and get picked up in the media echo chamber, amplified, inflated, etc …. I shall not go further 😉 goodnight!
I have a view in the influencer thing as you can tell in my video. This is the second episode of Delores the British social influencer travelling the world in a pandemic .
by by the way, great blog on this 😀
Posting for Nika Thought-werk:
“I believe people cannot be brands. They are people, not products. If one wishes to adopt a notion of person as product, this smacks of a system which ignores what it means to be human. Why would a human not want to be a human? It seems to me, after much debate and work on E.P.’s part, that modern ways of human thinking wish to increase the content people consume – at the expense of the human heart which should be at the heart of the modern world. It would seem to follow, to me at least, that ignoring the human heart at a human’s core would lead to one thinking any thing could be bought or sold – like the sky … or even rainbows. I say people should focus on being people – not products for sale (though E,P, tells me some people are quite content being products). I know that I myself would very much not like to be a product. I like rainbows, though. Not sure if this makes sense, but given how I talk, it is the best E.P. could do. Your post provoked many of my thoughts.”
I agree with you, people aren’t and shouldn’t want to be products. However it seems some, maybe an increasing number, do. Perhaps its actually a case of wanting popularity, being admired,suggesting that today’s society doesn’t appreciate people for just being their human selves.
Somehow when we bring in connection popularity , brands and personas one cannot forget the SL competitions ( do these still exist?) for various stuff where one with most votes would win. There would be of course only one possible way to win : bombarding all friends from the , I am sure abundant list of friends ( very possibly most were met once for about 2 minutes = just enough to add one more name to the already long list) with LM and TP and pleading to come to vote.
But who ever exposes own ideas and own preferences, proposes things to buy, places to visit, places to avoid, they need somebody to listen to them. So yes , there we come again to the well fed list of ghosts in own data-bank ….the infamous Friends List.
I believe in individuality. Rarely follow anyone’s opinion, rarely visit places suggested by to me unknown people, and avoid like a plague the “trend surfing” and ending on the same beach wearing all the same swim wear ( if a Modest region….lol…other way nakkies….)
Thanks for reading