Posing Just Because..in the Wandering Woods

I was walking through the Wandering Woods region of Fantasy Faire, having a browse of the stores, when I came to the statue. I’d seen it before of course having done a marathon run through the Faire previously. However today I just had the urge to pose for a snap with it..just because. This is a massive masterpiece of creation, but trying to get all of it *and* an avatar at ground level is almost impossible. Almost. You can just see little ol me at the bottom of the photo below and get a grasp of the scale of this thing!


Location:Wandering Woods



  • Skin:[P]: & []TRAP[] – Amatheia Skin (Femme):// Aleatrice (WHITE)
  • Hair&Circlet: Raven Bell & !R! – Percival Hair & Ryme Circlet -Raven Bell
  • Dress: SF:: Side CUT FF Exclusive – Scarlet Fey
  • Body: Maitreya
  • Head: Genus Project– Strong Face
  • Pose: XPOSEure Trapped I – Faire Store