Having grown tired of the stares of the Frostweald villagers, the Watcher decides maybe It’s time to explore furhter afield. Having heard of an icy lake in a place called Nova Nadiya, she decides to investigate. She may like the cold but she still needs shelter, blizzards are horrid whatever your preferred climate, so she will have to find somewhere before she decides to move.
There seems to be a few possibilities for a new home, though having dragons nearby might be an issue. Alternatively they may keep people away and only the most determined would seek her out.
Location: Now lost to the Mysts of Time
Outfit Credits:
- Skin: M&M – LeLutka Evo – GHOST – Yvaine – Moth & Moon
- Hair: Adel – Raven Bell
- Cloak: :DOBS: Dry Grass Cloak (Female Fit) LG – DOBS
- Staff: :DOBS: Witch Doctor Staff – DOBS
- Pasties: Jazabelle – Imperial Party Trooper Pasties – Jazabelle
- Body & Leg Tattoo: Embrace of the Dragon 90 – ArtToos Ink
- Arm Tattoos: Arm Scales H OMBRE-arm 100% – ~Flying Horse Head Studios~
- Pants: AseRiz – Sarina – AseRiz