Mnemosyne Island

I was recently exploring the a patch of Mainland I was considering purchasing, when a tour pod went past, I’d not been on one of these for years, so thought I’d see where it took me. I found I was on the “Historic SecondLife” tour, so I rode it for a little while until the pod car turned into a boat and took me out across the water to an island in the distance. As my boat got closer to the shore it announced “To our right is the beautiful Linden owned island of Mnemosyne. I’ll stop here for two minutes, for you to have a look around if you wish.” I certainly did wish, it looked very intriguing.

The isalnd had been there since the very early years of SecondLife, the About Land details reporting 2004. I had a little look around, the building seeming like somce kind of observatory with something akin to a projector displaying images of SL locations inside. On the opposite side of the island there’s a platform and a ladder back down to water level.

Once you’ve had a look around,you can either wait for a tour boat to come along, or rez your own water craft in the water next to the jetty on the West side.


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