Eternal Conflict

So back in July I was looking for a nice pair of Angel wings, I found some lovely ones on Markerplace. The description of the wings talked about a roleplay system called Eternal Conflict, which is an invite-only Angels & Demons roleplay game. Correspondingly they have two location themes, Heaven & Hell.

The first collection of images were takenĀ  in the Heaven part and I found the place totally enchanting.

I returned recently to revisit the region and explore the Hell part.

From the arrival point you can see a number of round towers, marked Laboratory,Marketplace,Temple, Hall of Death and another away from the others marked “Throne of the Prime God” there is also the visible chasm into a pit of lava.


The Laboratory



Hall of Death

These all contain objects clearly pertaining to the various aspects of the game, which I am as yet unfamiliar, so could only guess at their respective purposes.

Throne of the Prince God

This tower set away from the others had no apparent pedestrian access, being suspended above the ground on the cave wall.

I took a few other snaps of this upper level, where are seating and props before heading down into the pit..

I took the rather impressive teleporter down to the lower level:

Fiery teleporter

Down in the lower level as you’d imagine, lots of rivers of lava among impressive statues

After checking a notecard I’d received, I discovered there was more to be found. Another two areas Hell: The Ruins and Heaven’s Archadia
which are located in a different region.

So off to The Ruins I went.

As usual I took snaps around the welcome area..

Quite often arrival points just expect you to go forward, which is why I always check behind me, in case the builder has been imaginative. Here there’s a throne up on a raised platform hidden behind some rocks.

I then headed out following where they expect you to go, towards a large statue:

Here you can go either down into a mine

Or in the other direction to a castle type building:

After a little wander, I thought it was time to go briefly visit the second Heaven location:

Heaven’s Archadia arrival point

I’ll write up about Archadia in a follow up post, since if it’s half as detailed as Hell, it’ll take me a while to explore it!

You can read more about the game on the Official website.

My Hell Outfit:
Body: Maitreya Lara
Clothes: Mirza Gothic Style (Complete Outfit) – Brii Underground
Hair: Montana – Truth

Read Eternal Conflict Part 2

Waterfalls and Dreams

I saw this place on a destinations guide and thought “oh that’s pretty” and thought I’d go have a look. However when it’s come to writing something about the place, I got a little stuck. It does look lovely, it’s well built and laid out and the music stream is appropriately relaxed. However it just feels like just another high fantasy beauty spot from the many linked off the same guide.

So I asked a fellow visitor for their opinion and their response was:

“ohh it is very magic and peaceful here” and that it was “like a few, but not Lots.”(of other places)

So maybe I was being overly harsh. Stop by and have a look, maybe leave a comment if you think I’m right or wrong. Seeing it for yourself will no doubt be much better than my humble snapshots.


Wardrobe Credits:

Hair: A&A Guilia Reds (Alli&Ali)
Body: Maitreya Lara 4.1
Skin: -{The Attic}- Anjelica – Natural (Alabaster)
Shape: Zyra Anna (modified)
Corset & Knife : Bonny Pirate from Brii Underground
Top: Caravan Top by Beyond the Mists
Pants & Belt: Tracker Outfit Moss from Velvet Whip
Upper Arm pouches: AdN Sabotage
Boots: Female Huntsman
Backpack: Old Worlds OW Medieval backpack 2 by Katrina Kristan from Old Worlds
Gloves: Owl Gloves by Loki Eliot (Fantasy Faire item)


So there’s this place that once existed, by the name of Goatswood. It was formerly a roleplay sim created in 2013. Recently it has been revived by the original creators on a homestead region. So I went and had a wander.

It’s a lovely sim and I wish I could have seen the original, although the owner claims they prefer this newer version. I love to roleplay and this looks like the kind of place I’d like to. According to the welcome notecard there is a detailed backstory, but how much you choose to involve yourself is up to you. It explains the setting and scenario and there are story notecards you can collect if you choose to follow it.

Go check it out:Ā

NeoVictoria Arrival

So my character application at NeoVictoria was approved! Below is the character profile I submitted:

During a vampire turning when the female candidates heart slowsĀ and the vampire notices a second heart beat and realised the woman is pregnant. The mother is miraculously brought back from the brink of death by her would-be maker.Ā The child born subsequently has some traits similar toĀ twice-born.Ā Her mother being weakened by the attempted turning died in childbirth.
During her early years she suffered from bad thirst cravings, but these subsided as she matured. She is mostly human in appearance though a red tint to her eyes can be seen sometimes, usually when angered,scared,aroused or otherwise exhilarated. She has enhanced speed and strength advantages over the average human, but due to her regular birth, they’re merely equivalent to those of the fittest human athletes. She does not require blood regularly,but it is a pleasure to drink it. Because of the circumstances of her birth the vampires accept her one of their own.


I decided to name my character “Misch” from “ein Mischlingskind” half-breed in German. (I did try other translations of half-breed, but none of them made for a good name.)

Now to go by and have an explore. The aerial arrival point has lots of info and you are shown more as you wind your way down a semi-transparent ramp (watch your footing!) Each little landing has info about each of the different races you will find below.

Once you’re down there’s another corridor of information that leads to a room where you can get advise on appropriate clothing (if you don’t have any) and ladies and gents changing rooms.

Beyond this you enter a larger room detailing different locations within the sims.

There’s also a vendor for the roleplay hud

and after such a long walk, finally the tp door to the rp area.

Let’s see where my story goes from here..

Alpha Moon

After reading Strawberry Singh’s blog post featuring Alpha Moon I just had to go and explore the sim. When I arrived there was a greeter waiting who gave me a brief tour around the island. I took a few snaps as I went around, it really is quite beautiful. My regular graphics settings don’t do it justice here, so best come check it out for yourself. I also managed to find the same boat Berry did, very relaxing!


NeoVictoria Meet and Greet at Fantasy Faire

Today I met with Leander [MadMechaMessiah], Asil Ares and Jhaesoph Foxdale from The NeoVictoria Project, as well as quite a few interested residents at their Meet & Greet at Fantasy Faire.

It was very interesting to hear about their unique lore and storyworld. I spent some time talking to Leander about a character I might be able to create there. Their lore and mythology is detailed and thorough so I will have to read up on that to fit the character I want to create into it. It seems very promising and exciting, maybe it’s the next step in Ava’s Second Life journey.

Joining the Bubo Owls at Fantasy Faire 2019

I love Fantasy FaireĀ in SL but rarely get to attend or take part in things.Ā This year I decided to try and follow the rp instead of just visiting the empty scenes afterwards. This year one of the RP stories is the Bubo Owls, I kept up on what was going on through the updates page, so I had an idea what was going on when I eventually made it inworld on time.

It was great fun watching the story unfold as the kids explored, questioned and solved their way through the evolving story. There will be a few more twists and turns in the story I am sure!

I took a collection of photos in their base below the flying market and at various places we went to as I followed them around to different plot locations.

Rise and Fall

A friend read through my Gor Story in one sitting, quite a feat I thought given it’s length. When they finished their response was:

“Nicely done. But what are you doing now?”

Well to answer that I’ll have to talk about what happened in-between,since (at the time of writing, April 2019) it has been roughly 9 months since my final rp in SL Gor.

After leaving Gor I went back to Ava’s roots in SL, Bloodlines. Please those that roll your eyes and groan about bloodlines, do read on there’s a moral to this story.
I had been in a Bloodlines family called The Rainbow Princesses (name changed to protect the innocent and guilty alike) for a few years,but not particularly active in it. My SL time had mostly been taken up with my Gor rp. I decided it was time to take a more active role. So I started hanging out at the family sim regions a bit and being more active in the group chat. I’d been away for quite a while so there were lots of new people I didn’t know that I gradually got to know.

I had often not attended the weekly clan parties because of a schedule clash, but that had also changed so I started attending regularly. However these events had begun to become less frequent due to staff shortage and lack of attendance. I felt I wanted to help, so I enquired about hosing at one of the parties, for which I was accepted.
That was a great night,though I was a little nervous, I was alongside a great DJ (who is still a dear friend today) and it was a lot of fun. I only actually ever got to host one other set the whole time I was there. Any offers to host or organise extra events, bring in another DJ were met with a prompt “no”, as if the club manager actually wanted the place to fail.
At some point I heard of a promotion of a member of the group to the rank of Knight,which surprised me.
I knew this person was a new arrival to the clan,actually recalling their arrival. I thought “aren’t these higher ranks for long-standing family members”? It seemed not. So I decided that was what I wanted to achieve. I figured if they could do it,so could I. However I’d have to do it on real merits rather than friends,since I’d already managed to offend a well-liked member of the royalty more than once.
So I set myself the goal to become Knight by Christmas,New Year at the latest.
As well as hosting at the club I began to run regular help with certain Bloodlines Achievements. These are tasks you do using the game’s hud and vary considerably in difficulty. These were well attended to begin with, though I ended up having to space them out to suit people better. I also jointly did an Achievement challenge with one of the other family members. This is where things started to get trickier.

Shortly after that event the other person got promoted, I did not. I was not amused. This may sound childish to some, but not to others including my Leige at the time. They said my reaction was understandable,considering how hard I’d been working in the family. I was told the Council had actually voted to promote me at the same time as well.
When I eventually had my interview for the promotion to Knight which came after a considerably longer time than any apart the King & Queen felt reasonable, I mentioned this. They did take the view of it being childish,also claiming that they didn’t like to promote many people at the same time. In this case that would have been Two. While rummaging for notes to help me write this account I found a Group Notice announcement of Three people at once and reference to preferring to promote in groups,contrary to what I was told. So clearly despite words to the contrary, it’s definitely a popularity contest.

I’m not good at popular. I speak my mind too much for many people’s liking.
So on 13th November 2018 after my interview I was made Knight Prospect. Knight privileges but on a trial basis This could be a month or more, dependent on the whim of the King as I understood it. Mine did run into the “more” timeframe. However since then I’ve had people say that they’d never heard of interviews being held, or extended trial periods within that family.

Apparently things had been stacked against me from the start. The saying about grass being greener on the other side,definitely applies here.

The role of Knight is indeed a priveledge, the trust of all security related permissions covering multiple SL regions is not something to be taken lightly.

However the role can be dressed up and made to sound more prestigious, but you are basically a glorified greeter/security guard for the family land.
I had always felt proud to be in this particular family, but things often look better from a distance. Getting glimpses of the inner workings of things aren’t always a pretty sight.
I spent some months as Knight Prospect gradually becoming more disillusioned as time passed.

In the end it was a simple unnecessary comment that was the last straw and prompted my departure. I’d just had enough of the little comments and attitude from single person.
It hurt me greatly,but it was time to move on. So in February 2019 I used the bloodlines hud to create my own little “family” for a while and then briefly spent some time at a former leige’s clan before I joined the family of another ex-member of the Rainbow Princesses. Where I’m pleased to say I’m happy again.
So to answer the original question of what I’m doing now:
Now I am much happier member of the Twist of Fate family. Who are considerably more active in many ways.
Moral of the story for me: don’t pursue a goal for a goals sake.

For those readers that reacted “ugh,bloodlines”, maybe you can see that families/clans are just like any other social group in SL or elsewhere. They’re a mixture of fun, friendship and also unfortunately drama. We just have to find somewhere with the right balance for each of us.

Updated March 2021:

Twist of Fate was a lot of fun. I helped a lot of people there gain some tricky Achievements (Bloodlines merit badges) which I enjoyed for a while, because I like to help people. Then sadly (in my opinion) in March 2020 we merged with a much larger family. There were good (RL & SL) reasons for the merger, which I understand and accept. But to me it felt more like being swallowed up than merged.

Update December 2021

Twist of Fate is back on its own, out of the large family and back as a small group once again, which is great.

So some fresh faces to get to know since some others emigrated with us. Which means I’m back to doing my bit by running achievements again when people need my help.

Ava’s Gor Story – Part 7 – Au Revoir

Continued from Part 6 read from beginning here.

Will this placate Hazine enough to allow me to trade with the Veck En? We shall see..


So I wandered around the sims of sl gor for a time, trying to find some sustainable and fun rp. I didn’t have much luck. Either time differences or different interests(I.e. they just wanted to have pew-pew combat). That isn’t to say it’s not out there. In the process of writing this story I’ve encountered people that are working to increase rp in their community. An example of this was when I contacted the En of the (now-former) Veck ‘En, which became the Veck Jerag under the new leadership of Lico(Janine Braham).    She is creating things for them to do, to generate rp,which sounded very promising.

However at the time of my story, everything just seemed to have died. It began to feel like a chore visiting the sims searching for people or trying to resurrect old storylines. So I decided to adopt the philosophy of online casino advert warnings that had started appearing on tv: When the Fun stops. STOP.

I definitely wasn’t hooked on Gor. So I did.

Approximately the last week of June 2018 I decided enough was enough. I deleted all the Gor people on my friends list,apart from a select few and left all but a few of my Gor-related groups. Although I did file away all the “Calling cards” of those removed into a folder in my inventory,just in case, which did prove useful for writing this.

I did go back in a little while after, in July, to do a short rp with the girl,Lips. It had upset her that I had decided to leave, but it would have been worse (and unfair of me) to leave her ownerless. So I entrusted her care to a huntress of the Forest Moon tribe, by the name of Angel. It might surprise some that I chose someone in Forest Moon,but Angel had formerly been of Shekinah Arani before the merger.

RP Log Start

[13:28:27]  Ava: Tal all

[13:28:29]  ձռցĪµl : Tal Ava..very nice to see you…* smiles softly

[13:29:28]  Ava: greetings sav

[13:29:54]  Shameena(aka Lips) “Greetings my Mistress” I said as I saw Lady Ava entering the Tavern

[13:29:57]  Sav: tal ava

[13:30:01]  Ava: I’m glad you are here with the girl, Angel


[13:30:29]  ձռցĪµl : Thanks you yes…..nice you here now…

[13:31:25]  Ava: it is just a brief visit, I wanted to discuss the girl

[13:31:50]  Shameena sits there quietly listening to them

[13:32:21]  Ava: she has been mine for quite some time, however my trade and business are taking me further and further away

to the extent that I’m almost at risk of abandonment

[13:33:00]  ձռցĪµl : yes please..I gave her  a name …as she know now as Shameena …and yes ..therefore like to ask you to official  to open her collar for me

[13:33:01]  Ava: so I need someone to take her

[13:33:51]  Ragnar : taloha Ava

[13:33:52]  Ava nods and rummages in her pouch for a key

[13:34:02]  Ava: tal ragnar

[13:34:39]  ձռցĪµl : Thank you Ava ..and I am honored to accept her collar ..and her key of the collar

[13:34:45]  Sav: tal rags

[13:35:10]  Ragnar: seems, that half of ikarei have a bubble party

[13:35:22]  Ava bends over and unlocks the collar, straightens and holds out the key to angel

[13:35:24]  OpenCollar: Shameena’s collar has been unlocked.

[13:35:51]  Shameena gasps as my Collar been removed

[13:36:04]  ձռցĪµl : smiles as I take the key from Ava* thank you really my pleasure to take care of her ..*

[13:36:59]  Ava: I know I can trust you with her

[13:37:50]  ձռցĪµl : Nods for sure will not disappoint you…* takes off her collar and  slowly slide my collar around her neck

[13:41:22]  Ava brushes the girls hair away from her face and looked down at her “you’re now angel’s, I’m sure you’ll serve her as well as you have me”

[13:42:26]  ձռցĪµl : I see her collar removed and place my own collar round Shameena her neck..locks with a small key * Thank you Ava

[13:42:37]  Shameena “Yes huntress, I will” I managed to say as it was an emotional moment for me”

[13:43:02]  Shameena “I am now Lady Angel property”

[13:43:16]  Ava: good girl

[13:43:26]  ձռցĪµl : Nods you are Shameen ..and again Thank you Ava..was a pleasure

[13:44:37]  Shameena said to Lady Ava “It was a pleasure serving you Huntress”

[13:45:24]  Ava: You know well that I am no huntress, just Lady

[13:45:54]  Ava looks around the tavern “interesting new replacment building, seems a little darker”

[13:46:47]  ձռցĪµl : mods..well we not finished yet but we slowly progress

(I have edited out shouting and combat meter msgs here to make the rp readable)

[13:46:49]  Ava hearing the shouting and noises of combat she speaks to angel “Now, that, I have not missed”

[13:48:20]  ձռցĪµl : well makes more customers as seems they need a drink after the fight and finally all ends good

[13:49:20]  Ava: I see you’ve not changed the prices, I never did get around to writing them up on the wall

[13:49:42]  Ava: I found it was convenient to let them overpay and only comment if they underpaid

[13:49:59]  ձռցĪµl : we working on a new price list..but this one will do for now

[13:53:13]  Ava: I should be going I have shipment to check on. Take care all

[13:53:15] Sav: be safe ava

[13:53:26]  Shameena “Well wishes”

RP Log End

And that was my last in-character conversation in SL Gor.

Lots of things have happened since my departure from sl gor, sadly not for the better. I heard of several others deciding they’d had enough of gor, as if I’d started some kind of Exodus, but that is heresy and I have nothing to back it up.

Things that definitely did happen and related to people and places I have mentioned,included:

  • The departure of Mariko from Forest Moon, that she writes about in her Gazzette Editorial in October 2018. This caused a mix of emotions for me. Part of me thought “told you so” after the events nearly a year previous when she invited Forest Moon in, I saw and felt the lack of sisterhood she mentions right away. However a more rational part of me was sad for her, it was obviously a very hard choice to make. But is no surprise that such a strong leader and Gor player, that I have the greatest respect for, was able to move on to another tribe fairly quickly.
  • The disbanding of Forest Moon (1st February 2019) Was sad but inevitable I thought.
  • The closure of Elation and Three Moon Valley regions. (1st March 2019) Elation was where my tavern was located and where a lot of my story rp took place. This was a very sad day and a great loss to sl gor. As it says in the linked post: “a very big thank-you is owed to Anjel Goodnight” for keeping the sims going for so long. 
Stood with Bliss where you could once have viewed my tavern from above. (Image taken by Sweet Bliss)

And in the words of Forest Gump, “that’s all I have to say about that”. I hope you enjoyed reading my story despite it’s length. I may post other snippets of rp if I come across them.

Please feel free to leave a comment on this or any of the other parts.


Shekinah Arani huntress,Elation Tavern Keeper,Forest Moon Friend,Last of the Shekinah, Ikeri Tribe Friend, Dani’s Band Friend and Free Merchant.

Ava’s Gor Story – Part 6

ā€‹Continued fromĀ Part 5Ā Ā (Read from the beginningĀ Here)

So Ava is now short on prospective customers she wracks her brain trying to recall others she could visit.

In the meantime she returns to the Veck’En tribe to pursue that avenue…

I had dealings with Mina one of the girls there, she had been loaned to me occasionally to help in my tavern so I knew her quite well. I left some samples with her for her superiors to try, there was mention of a tavern opening nearby and I could possibly supply it. However not everything was so smooth. She told me that while I was probably safe on the trade dock area there,anywhere else might be dangerous.Ā 

Arrival dock
Arrival dock
Trade area
View of camp

Apparently at some point I had supposedly shot at Mina’s Mistress by the name of Hazine. This had led to her capture because she was injured (low hit points on her GM meter) Ā when a slaver attacked her. Now those of you that have read my story fromĀ the beginningĀ will know I don’t Ā like combat in SL and that is why I play a non-combatant role. So this accusation was quite a surprise to me to say the least!

However the facts of the matter did seem to stack up against me. Being a non-combatant doesn’t mean I had no weapons though, it would have been stupid not to have something to protect myself in Gor. As mentioned inĀ part 1,I kept hold of my sheath of throwing knives for when travelling far from my tavern. The description of the alleged shooter and the location of the incident did point at me.

Ā “A woman in Red near the Last of the Sa Sheku camp.”

My red dress had been extremely distinctive in green forest country, the Sheku camp was a 2 minute walk South-West of my tavern and I had to pass it frequently.

I vaguely recalled an incident there when I had been caught in crossfire between a raiding party and the Sheku,but didn’t realise any of my return throws as I left in haste had done any damage. So it appeared Hazine was justified in being out to get me if I was caught in the wrong place, since she had escaped the slavers after some time.

If I wanted to trade freely with the tribe, I needed to fix this. The apparent fix? Get Hazine’s name off the top of this slavers hit list! Not an easy challenge, given any woman of Gor having dealings with a slaver could quite easily end up as merchandise.

With the name of this slaver, Ricka, and roughly where he may be found, I went in search of him. Rather unwisely, on my own. On my first visit to the area I encountered local man and I asked him about the slaver. At first he appeared to be showing me the way,then it became evident his intentions weren’t so good for my health and I ran. I made it to a dock and jumped into a boat just ahead of him,making a very lucky escape!

I should clarify here about Docks in SL Gor. They are safe areas where people are safe from attack,allowing time for the surroundings to load or change any outfit or settings on arrival. This doesn’t apply in both directions though. If someone is leaving via a dock and there is already rp or combat in progress, like a raiding party being chased off or in my case being pursued, they are not safe. If my pursuer had shot at me, I’d have been fair game until my avatar was actually inside the boat and I rped pushing off from the dock. I frequently had to settle disputes over things like this, since my tavern was at the Elation dock and I was a sim moderator.

So I headed back to the Outpost to find myself an escort for my next visit, I didn’t want to risk a repeat of those events.

While I was able to find a willing volunteer to accompany me there next time,the Head Merchant of the Outpost, his busy trading schedule (real-life timezone issues) Ā put those plans on hold. So I’d have to think of something else. This is where spending time with panthers and customers loose tongues in taverns pay off.

In the Gor book series there are only a couple of panther girl tribes. They rarely had anything to do with each other, if they did it was usually hostile. In SL Gor there are approximately 29 panther tribes at the time of writing (March 2019). There are shared SL groups and other community links such as the Gazette of Gor blog. So it was fairly short work to find out which bands operated in that area, so I could go talk to them. In rp terms I could have got this information from asking around at tribes I was friends with, so isn’t too unrealistic.

However in this case not all the information came from panther gossip. I needed an alternative male bodyguard for my next trip so I inquired with my friend the Blacksmith, Olavi. He was based in Mirkwood (a few SL sims south of my tavern) but had often come and done work at my place. So Olavi escorted me to slavers trade area that I hadn’t been able to find safely on my own before. Here’s what transpired:

Start RP log
Olavi: “there is the current list..”

Ava gasps as she sees who the person she’s come to bargain for is meant to be delivered to “I know her!”
Ava: This might be easier than I thought
Olavi: “well, the girl wont be taking any delivery.. her and my children have been missing for weeks. No, i think this is a handy mess”
Ava: So who do I need to speak to?
Ava: who’s in charge?
Olavi: “i believe her name is josie..Ā Ā lets see what we can find out”
Ava: Josie?
Ava: this is getting eaiser by the minute
Olavi: “used to be a bell here someplace…”
Ava shouts: “Josie!”
Ava: no damn bell
Olavi: i dont see one either
Ava shouts: Josie! Are you here?
Josie Seubert shouts: YES be right there
Ava: Tal again Josie, wel met
Josie Seubert smiledĀ Ā to her ” Tal Lady Ava, a pleasure as always”
Ava: I came to make a bargain with a slaver by the name of Rikki. But I understand you are now in charge?
Ava: I am glad it is you that I have to deal with now
Josie SeubertĀ Ā Ā nodded” That I am while the High Jarl is away. what kind of bargin?” she looked over at the man and then back
Ava sees here glance “he’s here just for my safety”
Ava: I came about a name on the list outside
Olavi watches the pair talk, smiling but stay a bit back
Ava: How tricky would it be to get a name removed?
Josie SeubertĀ Ā nodded to him” Tal Jarl feel free to look about” she loooked back to Ava” which?”
Ava: What would it cost..a friend?
Josie SeubertĀ Ā rocked on her heels a bit and then she rolled her lips as she thought”Ā Ā I can answer that, it would be the price of the reward”
Ava: The name is Hazine
Olavi: “Greetings lady josie.”Ā Ā he nods, turning to look about some, enjoying the changes since his visit when the port was new
Josie Seubert smiled to her” or she could if she wished take it out on Rickkas hide”
Ava: you mean as well as being removed from the list? Hazine could punish Rikki? Or her representives in her absence perhaps?
Ava: what would the cost of this be?
Josie SeubertĀ Ā looked in deep thought” The cost to get her name removed is whatever the rewartd is.. however, if she wantedĀ Ā she could save youĀ Ā coin and simply come and take her pound of flesh”
Ava: Then this is good new indeed!
Ava: how about adding a name?
Ava: Replace one name with another
Josie SeubertĀ Ā kind of smiled ” I fear I would be pressing my favor with Odin ”Ā Ā she shook her head ” Ity is theĀ Ā most distrubing thing. but it would takeĀ Ā a hand to go over everything., but that is theĀ Ā price”
Ava: Let me get this get her name off the list, Hazine has to come here and tan Rik’s hide? And to ge another name on the list, al I have to do is wait a week?
Ava: *hand
Josie Seubert drew in a breath” let me explain Lady Ava,, right nowĀ Ā the man you know as Rickka , sits collared in a cell at Fort Hope, so named because that rally is our hope to heal his mind, butĀ Ā he only time he seems top think straight is when he isĀ Ā being threatned, soĀ Ā by ordfer fo those that know the mind, he is to beĀ Ā .. well.. you know.. “
Ava: Beaten?
Ava: Makes sense
Josie Seubert: ” I am exhausted, I cannotĀ Ā operate a Port and try toĀ Ā heal him as well, and thus I conceded to those that are the experts, ” Lady Ava even a mere sight of a Panther sends him into fits”
Josie Seubert: ” so she would actually beĀ Ā helping .. I guess, In aĀ Ā way. I will removes her name , if she will come at some pointĀ Ā and ..” she moved her hand forward
Ava: Then since it was such that sent me on this task, I’m sure I can arrange someone to have him weeping
Josie Seubert nodded” he is clean in all blood tests,Ā Ā his mind needs unlocked and any help you can afford to send our way it is appreciated
Ava: Then I shall send word of this
Josie Seubert: ” I am just notĀ Ā to be able to do this”
Josie Seubert: ” Thank you Lady, greatly”
Ava: or perhaps..I could deliver him to them?
Ava: or did you want to keep him?
Josie Seubert pointed up to the Fort. HeĀ Ā is shackeled, chained to the bars and a hood placed over his head, his eyes look crazy, they will have privacy I willĀ Ā make sure no one bothersĀ Ā them..But yes he needs to stay here, he isĀ Ā what they called Lunitical?”
Olavi smiles, glad to see things work smoothly between the two. “seems the boy got himself into far too much mess with the local wildlife. I myself welded a cuff on him some time ago… He is lucky to have survived them”
Josie Seubert nodded to him”Ā Ā I can tell you I am not able to count all the brands he has on”
Ava turns to the smith “thankyou for your escort, if you need to be anywhere else, I am safe with this particular group of..wildlife
Ava: or can walk me back to the dock since business seems to be concluded
Josie Seubert: may I ask one thing of you please
Ava: If hazine can’t come herself, I’ll make sure someone comes from her band, is that satisfactory?
Ava: what is it?
Olavi: “I am happy to escortyou, I see you so rarely now.”Ā Ā he nods before turning to josieĀ Ā “Though I would like to return and discuss some possible trade and perhaps work, I am a smith nearby, and not opposed to doing a bit of extra work if you do not have a smith of your own yet”
Josie Seubert nodded”Ā Ā it is, tell her to retain the word ” talender” and I will know for sure it isĀ Ā fromĀ Ā hazine, so in case someone else hears of this .. but I ask you , beĀ Ā careful in whom you speak to about this” sheĀ Ā looked to the Jarl” of course gates are always open , you are welcome here”
Ava: well I met with them for a trade before I came here, said I would be coming here
Ava: it would appear they were concerned for my welfare
Ava she adds as she sees Mina approach”
Josie Seubert: ” Ok Lady Ava, and thank you. ” wait” sheĀ Ā Ā looked at her”Ā Ā because of RIckka?”
Ava: Mina here is who asked me to come bargain
Mina smiles a bit cautiously and confused, “Tal.”
Josie Seubert nodded to her ” Tal”
Ava: When I set out to make this meeting, I didn’t know rikka wasn’t in charge
Mina: He isn’t in charge?
Josie Seubert nodded some andĀ Ā her shoulders were relaxed” that is true”
Ava: Mina here is from Hazines group
Ava: it is her that sent me to make a bargain
Olavi: “I only informed her as i met her at the docks.. I may not visit here, but there isnt a rumor in the woods i dont hear or a tree-urt with a bow I dont know”
Mina shifts nervously now.
Josie Seubert looked to wardsĀ Ā him” that is well to knowĀ Ā Jarl, weĀ Ā will have to establish a accord of somekind to be sure”
Ava: so I shall leave the two of you to discuss the situation of rikka and hte price of hazine, or rather the lack of preice
Mina: Is Rikka for sale?
Josie Seubert smiled” very well, she will be safe, on my honor”
Ava nods “I am sure of it”
Josie Seubert looks to Mina
Ava: come on olavi, lets leave them to their discussions
Olavi: Safe paths to you both, and I look forward to speaking with you again soon Lady Josie”
End RP log
Will this placate Hazine enough to allow me to trade with the Veck En? We shall see..