Continued from Part 5 (Read from the beginning Here)
So Ava is now short on prospective customers she wracks her brain trying to recall others she could visit.
In the meantime she returns to the Veck’En tribe to pursue that avenue…
I had dealings with Mina one of the girls there, she had been loaned to me occasionally to help in my tavern so I knew her quite well. I left some samples with her for her superiors to try, there was mention of a tavern opening nearby and I could possibly supply it. However not everything was so smooth. She told me that while I was probably safe on the trade dock area there,anywhere else might be dangerous.
Apparently at some point I had supposedly shot at Mina’s Mistress by the name of Hazine. This had led to her capture because she was injured (low hit points on her GM meter) when a slaver attacked her. Now those of you that have read my story from the beginning will know I don’t like combat in SL and that is why I play a non-combatant role. So this accusation was quite a surprise to me to say the least!
However the facts of the matter did seem to stack up against me. Being a non-combatant doesn’t mean I had no weapons though, it would have been stupid not to have something to protect myself in Gor. As mentioned in part 1,I kept hold of my sheath of throwing knives for when travelling far from my tavern. The description of the alleged shooter and the location of the incident did point at me.
“A woman in Red near the Last of the Sa Sheku camp.”
My red dress had been extremely distinctive in green forest country, the Sheku camp was a 2 minute walk South-West of my tavern and I had to pass it frequently.
I vaguely recalled an incident there when I had been caught in crossfire between a raiding party and the Sheku,but didn’t realise any of my return throws as I left in haste had done any damage. So it appeared Hazine was justified in being out to get me if I was caught in the wrong place, since she had escaped the slavers after some time.
If I wanted to trade freely with the tribe, I needed to fix this. The apparent fix? Get Hazine’s name off the top of this slavers hit list! Not an easy challenge, given any woman of Gor having dealings with a slaver could quite easily end up as merchandise.
With the name of this slaver, Ricka, and roughly where he may be found, I went in search of him. Rather unwisely, on my own. On my first visit to the area I encountered local man and I asked him about the slaver. At first he appeared to be showing me the way,then it became evident his intentions weren’t so good for my health and I ran. I made it to a dock and jumped into a boat just ahead of him,making a very lucky escape!
I should clarify here about Docks in SL Gor. They are safe areas where people are safe from attack,allowing time for the surroundings to load or change any outfit or settings on arrival. This doesn’t apply in both directions though. If someone is leaving via a dock and there is already rp or combat in progress, like a raiding party being chased off or in my case being pursued, they are not safe. If my pursuer had shot at me, I’d have been fair game until my avatar was actually inside the boat and I rped pushing off from the dock. I frequently had to settle disputes over things like this, since my tavern was at the Elation dock and I was a sim moderator.
So I headed back to the Outpost to find myself an escort for my next visit, I didn’t want to risk a repeat of those events.
While I was able to find a willing volunteer to accompany me there next time,the Head Merchant of the Outpost, his busy trading schedule (real-life timezone issues) put those plans on hold. So I’d have to think of something else. This is where spending time with panthers and customers loose tongues in taverns pay off.
In the Gor book series there are only a couple of panther girl tribes. They rarely had anything to do with each other, if they did it was usually hostile. In SL Gor there are approximately 29 panther tribes at the time of writing (March 2019). There are shared SL groups and other community links such as the Gazette of Gor blog. So it was fairly short work to find out which bands operated in that area, so I could go talk to them. In rp terms I could have got this information from asking around at tribes I was friends with, so isn’t too unrealistic.
However in this case not all the information came from panther gossip. I needed an alternative male bodyguard for my next trip so I inquired with my friend the Blacksmith, Olavi. He was based in Mirkwood (a few SL sims south of my tavern) but had often come and done work at my place. So Olavi escorted me to slavers trade area that I hadn’t been able to find safely on my own before. Here’s what transpired:
Start RP log Olavi: “there is the current list..”
Ava gasps as she sees who the person she’s come to bargain for is meant to be delivered to “I know her!”
Ava: This might be easier than I thought
Olavi: “well, the girl wont be taking any delivery.. her and my children have been missing for weeks. No, i think this is a handy mess”
Ava: So who do I need to speak to?
Ava: who’s in charge?
Olavi: “i believe her name is josie.. lets see what we can find out”
Ava: Josie?
Ava: this is getting eaiser by the minute
Olavi: “used to be a bell here someplace…”
Ava shouts: “Josie!”
Ava: no damn bell
Olavi: i dont see one either
Ava shouts: Josie! Are you here?
Josie Seubert shouts: YES be right there
Ava: Tal again Josie, wel met
Josie Seubert smiled to her ” Tal Lady Ava, a pleasure as always”
Ava: I came to make a bargain with a slaver by the name of Rikki. But I understand you are now in charge?
Ava: I am glad it is you that I have to deal with now
Josie Seubert nodded” That I am while the High Jarl is away. what kind of bargin?” she looked over at the man and then back
Ava sees here glance “he’s here just for my safety”
Ava: I came about a name on the list outside
Olavi watches the pair talk, smiling but stay a bit back
Ava: How tricky would it be to get a name removed?
Josie Seubert nodded to him” Tal Jarl feel free to look about” she loooked back to Ava” which?”
Ava: What would it cost..a friend?
Josie Seubert rocked on her heels a bit and then she rolled her lips as she thought” I can answer that, it would be the price of the reward”
Ava: The name is Hazine
Olavi: “Greetings lady josie.” he nods, turning to look about some, enjoying the changes since his visit when the port was new
Josie Seubert smiled to her” or she could if she wished take it out on Rickkas hide”
Ava: you mean as well as being removed from the list? Hazine could punish Rikki? Or her representives in her absence perhaps?
Ava: what would the cost of this be?
Josie Seubert looked in deep thought” The cost to get her name removed is whatever the rewartd is.. however, if she wanted she could save you coin and simply come and take her pound of flesh”
Ava: Then this is good new indeed!
Ava: how about adding a name?
Ava: Replace one name with another
Josie Seubert kind of smiled ” I fear I would be pressing my favor with Odin ” she shook her head ” Ity is the most distrubing thing. but it would take a hand to go over everything., but that is the price”
Ava: Let me get this get her name off the list, Hazine has to come here and tan Rik’s hide? And to ge another name on the list, al I have to do is wait a week?
Ava: *hand
Josie Seubert drew in a breath” let me explain Lady Ava,, right now the man you know as Rickka , sits collared in a cell at Fort Hope, so named because that rally is our hope to heal his mind, but he only time he seems top think straight is when he is being threatned, so by ordfer fo those that know the mind, he is to be .. well.. you know.. “
Ava: Beaten?
Ava: Makes sense
Josie Seubert: ” I am exhausted, I cannot operate a Port and try to heal him as well, and thus I conceded to those that are the experts, ” Lady Ava even a mere sight of a Panther sends him into fits”
Josie Seubert: ” so she would actually be helping .. I guess, In a way. I will removes her name , if she will come at some point and ..” she moved her hand forward
Ava: Then since it was such that sent me on this task, I’m sure I can arrange someone to have him weeping
Josie Seubert nodded” he is clean in all blood tests, his mind needs unlocked and any help you can afford to send our way it is appreciated
Ava: Then I shall send word of this
Josie Seubert: ” I am just not to be able to do this”
Josie Seubert: ” Thank you Lady, greatly”
Ava: or perhaps..I could deliver him to them?
Ava: or did you want to keep him?
Josie Seubert pointed up to the Fort. He is shackeled, chained to the bars and a hood placed over his head, his eyes look crazy, they will have privacy I will make sure no one bothers them..But yes he needs to stay here, he is what they called Lunitical?”
Olavi smiles, glad to see things work smoothly between the two. “seems the boy got himself into far too much mess with the local wildlife. I myself welded a cuff on him some time ago… He is lucky to have survived them”
Josie Seubert nodded to him” I can tell you I am not able to count all the brands he has on”
Ava turns to the smith “thankyou for your escort, if you need to be anywhere else, I am safe with this particular group of..wildlife
Ava: or can walk me back to the dock since business seems to be concluded
Josie Seubert: may I ask one thing of you please
Ava: If hazine can’t come herself, I’ll make sure someone comes from her band, is that satisfactory?
Ava: what is it?
Olavi: “I am happy to escortyou, I see you so rarely now.” he nods before turning to josie “Though I would like to return and discuss some possible trade and perhaps work, I am a smith nearby, and not opposed to doing a bit of extra work if you do not have a smith of your own yet”
Josie Seubert nodded” it is, tell her to retain the word ” talender” and I will know for sure it is from hazine, so in case someone else hears of this .. but I ask you , be careful in whom you speak to about this” she looked to the Jarl” of course gates are always open , you are welcome here”
Ava: well I met with them for a trade before I came here, said I would be coming here
Ava: it would appear they were concerned for my welfare
Ava she adds as she sees Mina approach”
Josie Seubert: ” Ok Lady Ava, and thank you. ” wait” she looked at her” because of RIckka?”
Ava: Mina here is who asked me to come bargain
Mina smiles a bit cautiously and confused, “Tal.”
Josie Seubert nodded to her ” Tal”
Ava: When I set out to make this meeting, I didn’t know rikka wasn’t in charge
Mina: He isn’t in charge?
Josie Seubert nodded some and her shoulders were relaxed” that is true”
Ava: Mina here is from Hazines group
Ava: it is her that sent me to make a bargain
Olavi: “I only informed her as i met her at the docks.. I may not visit here, but there isnt a rumor in the woods i dont hear or a tree-urt with a bow I dont know”
Mina shifts nervously now.
Josie Seubert looked to wards him” that is well to know Jarl, we will have to establish a accord of somekind to be sure”
Ava: so I shall leave the two of you to discuss the situation of rikka and hte price of hazine, or rather the lack of preice
Mina: Is Rikka for sale?
Josie Seubert smiled” very well, she will be safe, on my honor”
Ava nods “I am sure of it”
Josie Seubert looks to Mina
Ava: come on olavi, lets leave them to their discussions
Olavi: Safe paths to you both, and I look forward to speaking with you again soon Lady Josie”
End RP log
Will this placate Hazine enough to allow me to trade with the Veck En? We shall see..