
One of the things I love about SecondLife is the variety of creations available to dress our avatars in weird and wonderful ways. I enjoy making themed outfits inspired by books featured the SecondLife Book Club, but I’ve recently been reading a book not featured at the club: Armada by Ernest Cline, author of Ready Player One (&Two).

A character we meet early on is Alexis Larkin a gamer girl (call sign: Lexecutioner) I thought it would be fun to make an avatar outfit in her described image. As I read the (usefully detailed) description of her, I was sure it wouldn’t take me too long…except for the tattoos!

" ..Alabaster skin contrasted sharply with her dark clothing—black combat boots, black jeans, and a black tank top (which didn’t fully conceal the black bra she was wearing underneath). She had a spiky wave of black hair that was buzzed down one side and chin-length on the other. But the real kicker was her tattoos, on each arm: on the left was a beautiful seminude rendering of the comic book heroine Tank Girl, adorned in postapocalyptic rock lingerie and smooching an M16. On her right bicep, in stylized capital letters, were the words EL RIESGO SIEMPRE VIVE."

Cline, Ernest. Armada (pp. 114-115). Random House. Kindle Edition.

I was able to make the tattoo that reads “EL RIESGO SIEMPRE VIVE” on her right arm fairly easily, then found a picture of TankGirl that looked close enough to the description (after a bit of tweaking) for left arm.

Of course any Sci-Fi outfit wouldn’t be complete without their respective gadget. In this book it’s called a “QComm” and can do pretty much anything communication wise from anywhere, including controlling drones.

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