Slacking off blogging

I’ve been a little slack lately in my blogging, but it’s not that I’ve not been doing anything. My blog is after all to tell the tale of my Second Life, I’ve just not written it down. But I did take pictures, so rather than have them just sit on my laptop, I thought I’d do a recap of what random stuff I’ve been up to recently.

Firstly I went to an event at Belliseria Bureau of Bureaucracy (BBB) that I’d never heard of until my friend Tori invited me along to thier Western themed event.

We also went out to Muddy’s Music cafe another time, picked randoly off the Destination Guide. I’d never been there and it had been a long time since Tori had too. However you won’t see either of our avatars in the photos. We thought it’d be fun to have an “Alts Night Out” and take some secondary avatars out for the evening.

Last night I went to a Petites Party at Centauria, home of the Second Life Centaur community. However since it was an impromptu decision, I was the only “biggie” present, but it was good fun for an hour.

There were a few other places I visited, but nobody wants to see photos of shops! I’ve a few ideas floating around for future posts, so hopefully I’ll get those done soon and there won’t be such huge gaps in between me writing here.