So the clock said 23.44 and I was about to go to bed, when an email arrived. What’s this? AI Characters? I thought it was some kind of AI based avatar creation tool for new residents, but no. It’s like the old SmartBots system but you control an alternate avatar account instead of an object.
As I read through the information I got more excited and couldn’t wait until the morning to let you know what’s coming.
It’s a web interface that lets you define personality traits, behaviours, ways of speaking etc, the information provided says, basically the more you put in here the better it works. Then further along the process you provide the name and password for the Alt you intend to control.
These are screenshots of the beginning of the process, which look very promising so far. Even better given the time right now, the pages seem to work on a mobile.
This is more than a ChatBot or Greeter though, as well as simple instructions like “follow me” (given by private IM or local chat), you will be able create more advanced commands for interacting with objects and the environment.
To me this could dramatically improve immersion in Roleplay situations, particularly for new arrivals to a location when no regular players are online, or an ever present barkeep for example. Maybe I’m hoping for too much, but from what I’ve read, hopefully not.
I’m going to have a more thorough look at this and share some more, but for now, here’s the link to the official Announcement.
Linden Lab, THIS is the kind of stuff you need to be briefing your Blogger Network on!
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